Ocala Christian Academy
Full Lesson Detail for Courses
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- Choose a Teacher -
Artman, Bonnie
Bittner, Donna
Bloom, Emily
Carpenter, Ronald
Castillo, Lauren
Castillo, Ruben
Copied, Lessons
Culver, Christy
Davis, Jenny
Day, Deanne
Dayton, Susan
Fowler, Katie
Gould, Brittany
Gould, Joel
Hyslop, David
Land, Lisa
Liberty, Bettye
Litchfield, Emilea
Luiken, Brittany
MS-HS, Math
Miller, Rusty
Mruzek, Kimberly
Payne, Amy
Piazza, Karina
Pierce, Lydia
Pound, Danielle
Pound, John
Richins, Donna
Roberson, Alyssa
Roman, Neyka
Seymour, Carrie
Seymour, Spencer
Stembridge, Kevin
Sutton, Angela
Sweet, Amanda
Thomas, Joanne
Whyte, Peter
Williams, Annie
Williams, Ashley
- Choose a Course & Class Section -
1 Bible - Bible
1 Writing - Writing
1 Phonics - Phonics 9:00
1 Arithmetic - Arithmetic 9:45
1 Bible - New Bible
1 Writing - New Writing 1
1 Phonics - New Phonics 1
1 Arithmetic - New Arithmetic 1
M/J Science/Health 6 - 6C Science
M/J Life Science 7 - 7A Science
M/J Life Science 7 - 7B Science
M/J Earth/Space Science 8 - 8A Science
M/J Earth/Space Science 8 - 8B Science
M/J Science/Health 6 - 6A Science
M/J Science/Health 6 - 6B Science
4 Bible - Bible
4 Spelling - Spelling
4 Language Arts - Language Arts
4 Science/Health - Science/Health
4 Writing - Writing
4 Arithmetic - Arithmetic
4 Reading - Reading
4 Social Studies - Social Studies
6 M/J Fundamentals of Math - 6A/6B/6C - Fundamentals of Math
7 Pre-Algebra - 7A/7B - Pre-Algebra (3rd ed.)
8 Algebra 1 - 8A/8B - Algebra 1
8 Algebra 1 - 8A/8B - Algebra 1 HONORS
12 Pre-Calculus (2nd Ed) - 1st Period - Pre-Calculus (2nd Ed)
9, 10 Geometry - 2nd and 8th Period - Geometry
9, 10 Geometry - 2nd and 8th Period - Geometry Honors
11, Algebra II - 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Algebra 2
9, 10 Geometry - 5th Period - 9 Geometry
9, 10 Geometry - 5th Period - 9 Geometry Honors
11, Algebra II - 6th Period - Algebra 2 Honors
Math - Middle School Math Mentoring - 8th Period - Math Mentoring
Inactive 7 - Inactive
Inactive 12 - Inactive
9 On Line Fin Lit/Cons Math - OCA Virtual
4 Bible - Bible
4 Arithmetic - Arithmetic
4 Social Studies - Social Studies
4 Reading - Reading
4 Language Arts - Language Arts
4 Science/Health - Science/Health
4 Spelling - Spelling
4 Art - Art
2 Bible - Bible
2 Arithmetic - Math
2 Phonics/Reading - Phonics/Reading
2 Spelling - Spelling
2 Social Studies - History
2 Science/Health - Science/Health
5 Bible - Bible - Gould
5 Social Studies - Social Studies - Gould
5 Social Studies - Castillo - Social Studies
5 Reading - Castillo - Reading
5 Bible - Castillo - Bible
5 Language Arts - Language
5 Writing - Writing
10 Bible 2020 - 10th Bible
12 Bible 2020 - 12th Bible
11 Bible 2020 - 11th Bible
9 Bible 2020 - 9th Bible
Apologetics - 11A Apologetics
Spanish I - Spanish 1
Spanish 2 - Spanish 2
Family, Home & Consumer Technology - Family, Home & Consumer Technology
9 On Line Fin Lit/Cons Math - FLVS Consumer Math
9 Girls HOPE - 9 Girls HOPE
Am Sign Lang II - Am Sign Lang II
Financial Literacy - Financial Literacy
Am Sign Lang I - Am Sign Lang I
1 Art - 1st Grade
2 Art - Grade 2
3 Art - Grade 3
4 Art - Grade 4
5 Art - Grade 5
Library - First Grade - Grade 1
Library - 2nd grade - Grade 2
Library - 3rd grade - Grade 3
Library - 4th grade - Grade 4
Library - 5th grade - Grade 5
Draw / Paint 1 - 10, 11
3 Bible - 3rd Bible
3 Language Arts - 3rd Language
3 Reading - 3rd Reading
3 Arithmetic - 3 Arithmetic
3 Social Studies - 3rd Social Studies
3 Spelling - 3rd Spelling
3 Science/Health - 3rd Science/Health
3 Writing - 3rd Writing
1 Bible - 1 Bible
1 Phonics - 1 Phonics
1 Arithmetic - 1 Arithmetic
1 Reading - 1 Reading
1 Writing - 1 Writing
1 Spelling - 1 Spelling
M/J Social Studies 6 - 6 A History
M/J Social Studies 6 - 6 B History
M/J US History 7 - 7 A History
M/J US History 7 - 7 B History
M/J World Geography 8 - 8 A History
M/J World Geography 8 - 8 B History
Chemistry I - 11A
Chemistry I - 11B
Physical Science - 9B
Physics Honors - 12
Biology I - 10B
Biology I - 10 A
Physical Science - 9 A
K Bible - 8:20 - 8:50 - Bible
K Phonics - 8:55 - 9:20 - Phonics
K Writing - 9:20 - 10:30 - Writing
K Reading - 9:20 - 10:30 Reading
K Numbers - 12:15 - 12:40 - Numbers
K Social Studies - 12:40- 1:00 - Social Studies
K Science/Health - 12:40 - 1:00 - Science
K Reading - 10:15 - 10:50 - Reading
ESP 1 Mathematics - ESP
ESP 3 & 4 Arithmetic - ESP Math 3 & 4
ESP 5 Arithmetic - ESP Math 5
ESP 6 M/J Fundamentals of Math - ESP 6 Math M/J Fundamentals of Math
ESP Reading A - ESP Reading A (K-2)
ESP Read 3 - ESP Reading 3
ESP Read 4 - ESP Reading 4
ESP Read 5 - ESP Reading 5
3 Writing - Writing
3 Social Studies - History
3 Science/Health - Science
3 Bible - Bible
3 Arithmetic - Arithmetic
3 Spelling - Spelling
3 Language Arts - Language
3 Reading - Reading
BJU - Math -Fundamentals 6th (2nd Edition) - 5H Math
BJU - Math -Fundamentals 6th (2nd Edition) - 5L Math
5 Bible - Mrs. Luiken
5 Arithmetic - Mrs. Luiken
5 Arithmetic - Mrs. Castillo
5 Science/Health - Mrs. Luiken
5 Science/Health - Mrs. Helinski
5 Reading - Mrs Luiken
5 Writing - Mrs. Luiken
3 Bible - Bible
3 Language Arts - Language
3 Arithmetic - Math
3 Reading - Reading
3 Spelling - Spelling
3 Science/Health - Science
3 Writing - Writing
3 Social Studies - History
K Bible - Bible
K Phonics - Phonics
K Writing - Writing
K Reading - Reading
K Numbers - Numbers
K Social Studies - Social Studies
K Science/Health - Science/Health
Music K - Kindergarten
Music 1 - 1st Grade
Music 2 - Grade 2
Music 3 - Grade 3
Music 4 - Grade 4
Music 5 - Grade 5
Draw / Paint 1 - Draw/Paint 1
K4 Begin My Day - K4 My Day
K4 Bible ABEKA - K4 Bible
K4 Skills Development ABEKA - Skills Development
K4 Phonics and Reading ABEKA - Phonics and Reading
K4 Writing ABEKA - Writing
K4 Recess - Recess
K4 Lunch/Bathroom - Lunch
K4 Numbers ABEKA - Numbers
K4 Activity Time - Activity TIme
K4 Language Development ABEKA - Language Development
K4 Recess - Recess
M/J Language Arts 6 - Language 6A
M/J Language Arts 6 - Language 6B
M/J Language Arts 6 - Language 6C
M/J Language Arts 7 - Language 7A
M/J Language Arts 7 - Language 7B
M/J Language Arts 8 - Language 8A
M/J Language Arts 8 - Language 8B
Chorus - Chorus Club
2 Phonics/Reading - Read Sutton
2 Arithmetic - Math Sutton
2 Spelling - Spell Sutton
2 Bible - Bible Sutton
2 Social Studies - Social Studies Sutton
2 Science/Health - Science Sutton
K3 Bible ABEKA - Bible
K3 Language Development ABEKA - Language Development
K3 Skills Development ABEKA - Skills Development
K3 Numbers ABEKA - Numbers
K3 Phonics ABEKA - Phonics
K3 Activities Time - Activity Time
English 11 - 11B, 2nd period
English 11 - 11A, 1st period
English 9 - 9A, 3rd period
English 12 - 12, 4th period
English 10 - 10B, 5th period
English 9 - 9B, 6th period
English 10 - 10A, 8th period
9 Girls HOPE - 9th Grade HOPE
American Government - Government 1st Semester
Economics - Economics 2nd Semester
US History - US History B
US History - US History A
World History - 10B World History
World History - 10A World History
6 Bible - 6 Bible
7 Bible - 7 Bible
8 Bible - 8 Bible
Business Applications I - BusApp
1 Bible - Bible
1 Spelling - Spelling
1 Phonics - phonics
1 Arithmetic - Arithmetic
1 Writing - writing
1 Reading - Reading
1 Science/Health - Science/Health
1 Social Studies - Social Studies
9 Boys HOPE - 9 Boys HOPE
Elem PE K - K
Elem PE 1 - 1st Grade
Elem PE 2 - 2nd Grade
Elem PE 3 - 3rd Grade
Elem PE 4 - 4th Grade
Elem PE 5 - 5th Grade
M/J Comprehensive Physical Education 6 -Boys - 6 Boys
M/J Comprehensive Physical Education 6- Girls - 6 Girls
M/J Comprehensive Physical Education 7-Boys - 7 Boys
M/J Comprehensive Physical Education 7- Girls - 7 Girls
M/J Wellness Education 8-Boys - 8 Boys
M/J Wellness Education 8-Girls - 8 Girls
9 Girls HOPE - 9 Girls HOPE
M/J Wellness Education 8-Boys - 8Boys (8:00-9:00) (2:35-3:30)
M/J Wellness Education 8-Girls - 8Girls (8:00-9:00) (2:35-3:30)
M/J Comprehensive Physical Education 6 -Boys - 6 Boys (9:05-9:50) (10:45-11:30) (11:35-12:20)
M/J Comprehensive Physical Education 6- Girls - 6Girls (9:05-9:50) (10:45-11:30) (11:35-12:20)
M/J Comprehensive Physical Education 7-Boys - 7Boys (12:55-1:40) (1:45-2:30)
M/J Comprehensive Physical Education 7- Girls - 7Girls (12:55-1:40) (1:45-2:30)
Elem PE K - K-5 (11:35-12:20) Fri
Elem PE 1 - 1st (11:35-12:20) M W
Elem PE 2 - 2nd (11:45-12:30) T TH
Elem PE 3 - 3rd (1:45-2:30) M TH
Elem PE 4 - 4th (1:45-2:30) T F
Elem PE 5 - 5th (12:55-1:40) M W
K Bible - 8:25-9:00 (Bible)
K Phonics - 9:00-9:30 (Phonics)
K Writing - 9:30-10:00 (Writing)
K Reading - 10:00-10:40 (Reading)
K Numbers - 12:00-12:40 (Numbers)
K Social Studies - 12:40-1:15 (Social Studies)
K Science/Health - 12:40-1:15 (Science)
Business Applications I - Keyboarding
PA - The Life of Christ (5th ed.) - 6th/7th Life of Christ
6 Bible - 6 Bible
9 On Line Fin Lit/Cons Math - FLVS
7 Bible - 7 Bible
Am Sign Lang I - ASL 1
Am Sign Lang II - ASL 2
8 Bible - 8 Bible
2 Bible - Bible
2 Phonics/Reading - Phonics/Reading
2 Spelling - Spelling and Poetry
2 Arithmetic - Math
2 Science/Health - Science/Health
2 Social Studies - Social Studies
PA - The Life of Christ (5th ed.) - 6/7 Life of Christ
Teacher Assistant - 2nd Hour - Teacher Assistant
Teacher Assistant - 8th Hour - Teacher Assistant
Latin 1 - All Sections
Secondary Music - Secondary Music
6 Bible - 6th Bible