Unit 1: All Around the Town / Week 1: Welcome to Pine Hill
(updated 11/14/23)
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.C:Handwriting
Standard: ELA.K.III
Description: Print upper- and lowercase letters
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.1
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.2
Description: With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.3
Description: With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.4
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.5
Description: With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.6
Description: With prompting and support, describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.9
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a story and define the role of each in telling the story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.11
Description: With prompting and support, identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.13
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a story an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.15
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear (e.g., what person, place, thing, or idea in the text an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.18
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.19
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.30
Description: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. •Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns speaking about the topics and texts under discussion). •Continue a conversation through multiple exchanges.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.31
Description: Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.32
Description: Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.33
Description: Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.34
Description: Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.35
Description: Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.36
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. •Print many upper- and lowercase letters. •Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs. •Form regular plural nouns orally by adding /s/ or /es/ (e.g., dog, dogs; wish, wishes). •Understand and use question words (interrogatives) (e.g., who, what, where, when, why, how). •Use the most frequently occurring prepositions (e.g., to, from, in, out, on, off, for, of, by, with). •Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.C:Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Standard: ELA.K.41
Description: Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: Science
Strand: S.K:West Virginia Science - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: S.K.GS:General Science
Standard: S.K.GS.3
Description: use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.2
Description: Participate in role play to resolve disputes, and demonstrate tolerance and acceptance of others and their ideas.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.3
Description: Investigate the need for rules in their environment, create a set of classroom rules, and explore the consequences for not following the rules.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.4
Description: Investigate the leadership roles within their families, classrooms and schools and demonstrate their understanding through activities such as role play and classroom jobs.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: E.SS.K:Economics
Standard: SS.K.8
Description: Distinguish between wants and needs.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: G.SS.K:Geography
Standard: SS.K.13
Description: Investigate the need for symbols in daily life (e.g., exit, stop sign, bathroom signs, school zone, stop light, etc.).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: H.SS.K:History
Standard: SS.K.14
Description: Illustrate personal history (e.g., first and last name, birthday, age, guardian's name, and other personal data).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: H.SS.K:History
Standard: SS.K.15
Description: Explore the history of the school and give examples of significant sites and people (e.g., principals, secretaries, teachers, custodians, etc.).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: H.SS.K:History
Standard: SS.K.17
Description: Explore time, places, people and events in relationship to student's own life (e.g., family trees, pictures, stories, etc.).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Student Objectives
Lesson 1
State the importance of learning
Apply rules and procedures for behavior
Explain that we all have responsibilities at home, at school, and in the community
State the importance of authority figures
Use good pencil hold
Sing an alphabet song
Identify the first letter in a name
Trace lines from left to right
Lesson 2
Recall why routines and order are important to learning
Predict what will happen when two colors are mixed
Identify the first letter of a name
State that names begin with an uppercase letter
Complete a creative-writing activity
Sing an alphabet song
Match pictures that are alike
Use correct pencil hold, and differentiate between left and right hands
Lesson 3
Tell how people in a community help each other accomplish a goal
Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions
Compare heavy and light objects
Identify the main character in a story
Use fine-motor skills to cut out pictures
Sing an alphabet song
Match letters and shapes
Review correct pencil hold
Trace left to right
Lesson 4
Describe the first family that God made
Explain the purpose of a family album
Make a family album
Identify rhyming words
Trace slanting lines from top to bottom
Use visual discrimination to match letters
Lesson 5
Identify the front cover, back cover, title page, and page numbers of a book
Identify the main characters in a story
Demonstrate the proper handling of a book
Retell a picture story
Tell how people in a community help each other accomplish a goal
Lesson 1: Everyone Helping
Lesson 2: Favorite Colors
Lesson 3: Moving Day
Lesson 4: My Family
Lesson 5: New Friends
Learning Center - Matching Shapes
Snack of the Week - Alphabet Cupcakes
Heritage Studies
Biblical Worldview
Introduce the story
A Family Album
Composition: Family Album
Let's Read
Picture Reading
Language Arts
Alphabet Recognition
Alphabet Awareness
Alphabet Practice
Visual Discrimination - Shapes
Letter Match
Words that Rhyme
Pencil Hold
Left to Right
Trace It
Packing List
Story and Rhyme Time
Various books associated with theme (see teacher guide)
Read aloud to students for 10-15 minutes
Motor Skills
Grocery Store Obstacle Course
Left and Right
Tape Shapes
Cleaning the Mirror
Alphabet Matching
Family Walk
Color Directions
Sing a Song
This Is the Way We Clean the House
Color Song
My Family
Mixing Colors with Flashlights
I Spy
Arts and Crafts
Paper-Plate Rainbow
Moving Van Family Member
Write Now!
Write Now! page 3
Write Now! page 4
Write Now! page 5
Write Now! pages 6-8
Show and Tell
Biblical Integration Concepts
God is great, and God is good
God created me and all things
The Bible is God's Word, and it is true
I learn in order to serve God and others
Biblical Integration Strategies
Use Scripture verses
Romans 3:23
Romans 5:8
Romans 10:9-10, 13-14a
Tell the story of Noah and the Flood from Genesis 8:15-9:17
Talk about the colors Noah saw in the first rainbow
Tell the story of Abram and Sarai (Genesis 11:27-12:20)
Sing phonics song as each new letter sound is introduced
Use colorful pictures to reinforce each letter and sound
Present letter formation with the name and sound to reinforce visual memory
Use games and motor activities to practice and review sounds and words
Utilize phonics stories to practice new skills and foster comprehension
Discuss comprehension questions after the Listening Story to help develop higher-order thinking skills
Provide phonic instruction in a logical format / use phonic characters
Use word families (both oral and written) to aid in mastery
Focus handwriting instruction on the process and the product
Use weekly writing activities that build on the unit theme
Allow for independent writing for students who are ready to venture into "attempted spelling"
Differentiate instruction
Utilize colorful word cards
Display alphabet song charts, both uppercase and lowercase
Unit 1: All Around the Town / Week 2: Firefighters at Work
(updated 11/14/23)
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.37
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. •Capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I. •Recognize and name end punctuation. •Write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds (phonemes). •Spell simple words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of sound-letter relationships.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.1
Description: Develop an understanding of citizenship and patriotism through a variety of experiences (e.g., appropriate behavior, sharing, taking turns, volunteering, being honest and demonstrating responsibility for materials and personal belongings).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.2
Description: Participate in role play to resolve disputes, and demonstrate tolerance and acceptance of others and their ideas.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.3
Description: Investigate the need for rules in their environment, create a set of classroom rules, and explore the consequences for not following the rules.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.4
Description: Investigate the leadership roles within their families, classrooms and schools and demonstrate their understanding through activities such as role play and classroom jobs.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: E.SS.K:Economics
Standard: SS.K.5
Description: Investigate occupations within the school and local community.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: E.SS.K:Economics
Standard: SS.K.6
Description: Discover the basic needs of people (e.g., shelter, food, clothing, etc.) and give examples of each.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: E.SS.K:Economics
Standard: SS.K.8
Description: Distinguish between wants and needs.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: G.SS.K:Geography
Standard: SS.K.13
Description: Investigate the need for symbols in daily life (e.g., exit, stop sign, bathroom signs, school zone, stop light, etc.).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: H.SS.K:History
Standard: SS.K.17
Description: Explore time, places, people and events in relationship to student's own life (e.g., family trees, pictures, stories, etc.).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Student Objectives
Lesson 6
Identify characters in a story
Identify places in a fire station
Explain how some of the places at a fire station help the firefighters
Identify uppercase and lowercase Tt
Use letter-sound association for t
Write t
Lesson 7
Explain why firefighters wear protective gear when fighting a fire
Identify the tools that firefighters use to put out fires
State the importance of the role of authority figures like firefighters in a community
Complete a creative writing activity
Identify uppercase and lowercase Tt
Use letter-sound association for t
State that names begin with uppercase letters
Write T
Lesson 8
Explain the importance of having a home fire escape plan
Demonstrate "Stop, Drop, and Roll"
Create a fire escape plan
Identify uppercase and lowercase Ii
Use letter-sound association for i
Read the word it
Blend two phonemes into a recognizable word
Demonstrate correct spacing when writing a word
Write i
Write a word
Lesson 9
Complete a creative-writing activity
Describe different kinds of fire trucks and how they are used to fight fires
Identify uppercase and lowercase Ii
Use letter-sound association for i
Read the word I
Write I
Lesson 10
Predict what the surprise might be
Identify the main characters in a story
Interpret supporting details in pictures
Use role-playing to interpret the story
Lesson 6: The Fire Station
Lesson 7: Firefighter's Gear
Lesson 8: Fire Safety at Home
Lesson 9: Fire Trucks
Lesson 10: Surprise!
Learning Center - Alphabet Ladders
Snack of the Week
Fire Trucks
Fire Cups
Fire Hydrants
Heritage Studies
Fire Safety
Home Fire Escape Plan
Fire Trucks
Story and Rhyme Time
Various books (see teacher guide)
Language Arts
Phonics and English Skills
Read a Word
Complete a Sentence
Letter Recognition
Sing the Sounds
Rhyming Words
Review Song Chart: t, i
Teach Song Chart: i
Hear the Sound: Initial t, Initial i, i, Medial i
Paper Hold and Posture
Spacing Within a Word
Phonics Fun
Hide and Seek
Match the House
Find the Matching Letter
Read the Words
Introduce Vowels
Alphabet Dominoes
Grammar: Proper Nouns
High-Frequency Words
Guided Reading
Dalmatian Letter Sort
Write Now!
Write Now! pages 9-13
Motor Skills
Shadow Tag
Outdoor Bucket Relay
Family Soccer Relay
Smoke Detector Lacing
Sit and Stand
Fire Drill
Sing a Song
Community Helpers verse 3
Friends Around the Town
My House
I'm a Firefighter
Arts and Crafts
Shape Fire Truck
Fire Painting
Put Out the Fire
Fire Gear
Show and Tell
share experiences of holding a new puppy
Bring an item related to a surprise, home fire escape plan, firefighter, or a fire
Biblical Integration Concepts
God is great, and God is good
God created me and all things
The Bible is God's Word, and it is true
I learn in order to serve God and others
Biblical Integration Strategies
Tell story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
Discuss the miracle God did to protect the three friends from the fire
Miracles are acts only God can do
Tell the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal
Tell story of Moses and the burning bush from Exodus 3
Tell story of Elijah and the chariot of fire from 2 Kings 2
Utilize learning centers
Introduce sounds through the use of songs
Use listening lessons and the accompanying questions to evoke levels of developmental thinking
Use cards to create phonics stories to provide practice for new skills and to foster comprehension
Review previous materials
Use colorful pictures to reinforce each letter and sound
Have students sing a phonics song as they learn each new letter-sound association
Have students use games and motor activities to practice review sounds and words
Practice letter formation with the name and sound to reinforce visual memory
Use word family practice both oral and written
Adapt handwriting instruction to the needs of students
Assign writing activities and composition activities
Group for differentiated instruction
Set up Learning Centers within the classroom for hands-on-activities and for play
Assign student worktext and phonic practice pages
Display the Alphabet Song Chart (laminate)
Give students copies of High-Frequency Word Cards and Word-Family Cards
Mount the Handwriting Charts across the front of the classroom
Set up a pocket chart for use with the phonics characters, spelling cards, etc.
Display the families and friends visuals
Build silent and oral reading habits
Utilize reading markers
Unit 1: All Around the Town / Week 3: Police Officers, Our Friends
(updated 11/14/23)
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.B:Phonics and Word Recognition
Standard: ELA.K.II
Description: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. •Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary or many of the most frequent sound for each consonant. •Associate the long and short sounds with common spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels. •Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does). •Distinguish between similarly spelled words by identifying the sounds of the letters that differ.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.C:Handwriting
Standard: ELA.K.III
Description: Print upper- and lowercase letters
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Description: Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). •Recognize and produce rhyming words. •Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words. •Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words. •Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in three-phoneme (consonant-vowel-consonant, or CVC) words. (This does not include CVCs ending with /l/, /r/, or /x/.) •Add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in simple, one-syllable words to make new words.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.E:Print concepts
Standard: ELA.K.V
Description: Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. •Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page. •Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters. •Understand that words are separated by spaces in print. •Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.1
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.2
Description: With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.3
Description: With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.4
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.6
Description: With prompting and support, describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.7
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.9
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a story and define the role of each in telling the story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.10
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.11
Description: With prompting and support, identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.12
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a text and define the role of each in presenting the ideas or information in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.13
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a story an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.15
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear (e.g., what person, place, thing, or idea in the text an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.16
Description: With prompting and support, identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.18
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.19
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.30
Description: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. •Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns speaking about the topics and texts under discussion). •Continue a conversation through multiple exchanges.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.31
Description: Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.32
Description: Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.33
Description: Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.35
Description: Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.1
Description: Develop an understanding of citizenship and patriotism through a variety of experiences (e.g., appropriate behavior, sharing, taking turns, volunteering, being honest and demonstrating responsibility for materials and personal belongings).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.2
Description: Participate in role play to resolve disputes, and demonstrate tolerance and acceptance of others and their ideas.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.3
Description: Investigate the need for rules in their environment, create a set of classroom rules, and explore the consequences for not following the rules.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.4
Description: Investigate the leadership roles within their families, classrooms and schools and demonstrate their understanding through activities such as role play and classroom jobs.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: E.SS.K:Economics
Standard: SS.K.5
Description: Investigate occupations within the school and local community.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: E.SS.K:Economics
Standard: SS.K.6
Description: Discover the basic needs of people (e.g., shelter, food, clothing, etc.) and give examples of each.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: E.SS.K:Economics
Standard: SS.K.8
Description: Distinguish between wants and needs.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: G.SS.K:Geography
Standard: SS.K.13
Description: Investigate the need for symbols in daily life (e.g., exit, stop sign, bathroom signs, school zone, stop light, etc.).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: H.SS.K:History
Standard: SS.K.14
Description: Illustrate personal history (e.g., first and last name, birthday, age, guardian's name, and other personal data).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Student Objectives
Lesson 11
State from the Bible why we should obey authorities such as police officers
Explain why it is important to obey laws like buckling seat belts
Use visual discrimination to match pictures
Identify uppercase and lowercase Ss
Use letter-sound association for s
Read the high-frequency word is
Read words with the phonogram _it
Write a word
Lesson 12
Identify the uniforms worn by community helpers
Complete a creative writing activity
Identify uppercase and lowercase Ss
Use letter-sound association for s
Read words with the phonogram _it
Write S
Lesson 13
State what the lights on a traffic signal mean to drivers
Organize pictures in story order
Add a period to the end of a sentence
Identify uppercase and lowercase Nn
Use letter-sound association for n
Read words with the phonogram -in
Write N
Lesson 14
Observe fingerprints to understand that they are unique to each person
Infer that God made each person unique
Complete a creative writing activity
Use visual discrimination to match pictures
Identify uppercase and lowercase Nn
Use letter-sound association for n
Read words with the phonograms _it and _in
Write N
Lesson 15
Interpret details in pictures
Identify a period
Read a simple sentence with the aid of a rebus
Lesson 11: Buckle Up
Lesson 12: Uniforms
Lesson 13: Traffic Lights
Lesson 14: Policemen Protect Us
Lesson 15: Hopscotch
Learning Center - Parking Lot
Snack of the Week - Traffic Lights
Heritage Studies
Police Officers
Traffic Signals
Story and Rhyme Time (various)
Language Arts
Phonics and English Skills
Letter Recognition
Sing the Sounds
Read Word Families
High-Frequency Words
Proper Nouns
Phonics Charts
Phonics Fun: Up the Stairs
Phonics Fun: Police Letter Sort
Phonics Fun: Traffic Light
Phonics Fun: Tic-Tac-Toe
Alphabet Book
Hat and Badge
Letter Relay
Book Sort
Sing a Song
Friends Around the Town
Community Helpers
Time to Write
Show and Tell
Bring an item or tell a story related to a police officer, car, or a car ride
Arts and Crafts
Police Officer's Badge
Police Vests
Traffic Light
Fingerprint Mouse
Motor Skills
Making S
Red Light, Green Light
Just Like Me
Write Now!
Write Now! pages 14-18
Biblical Integration Concepts
God is great, and God is good
God created me and all things
The Bible is God's Word, and it is true
I learn in order to serve God and others
Biblical Integration Strategies
Continue to integrate the themes of sharing the gospel
Discuss how God takes care of us and that rules and procedures are put in place to help protect us
Tell the story of the Ten Commandments from Exodus 20 explaining that many of the laws we use today are based on the laws that God gave Moses
Tell the story of God protecting Elisha (2 Kings 6:8-23); point out that God sometimes uses people such as police officers to protect us, but our protection is truly from God
Utilize classroom stations
Present phonics instruction in a logical format (following same pattern)
Have students practice word families in both oral and written form
Adapt handwriting instruction to the needs of specific students
Focus on posture, pencil hold, and paper slant during handwriting and composition time
Post daily schedule
Evaluate student progress using the checkup stations and the Review for You pages
Invite students into the joy and benefits of reading by providing a large selection of specific books for them to choose from
Unit 1: All Around the Town / Week 4: Pine HIll Post Office
(updated 11/14/23)
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.A:Fluency
Standard: ELA.K.I
Description: Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.B:Phonics and Word Recognition
Standard: ELA.K.II
Description: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. •Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary or many of the most frequent sound for each consonant. •Associate the long and short sounds with common spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels. •Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does). •Distinguish between similarly spelled words by identifying the sounds of the letters that differ.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.C:Handwriting
Standard: ELA.K.III
Description: Print upper- and lowercase letters
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Description: Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). •Recognize and produce rhyming words. •Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words. •Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words. •Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in three-phoneme (consonant-vowel-consonant, or CVC) words. (This does not include CVCs ending with /l/, /r/, or /x/.) •Add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in simple, one-syllable words to make new words.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.E:Print concepts
Standard: ELA.K.V
Description: Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. •Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page. •Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters. •Understand that words are separated by spaces in print. •Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.1
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.2
Description: With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.3
Description: With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.4
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.5
Description: With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.6
Description: With prompting and support, describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.7
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.8
Description: With prompting and support, recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.9
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a story and define the role of each in telling the story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.10
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.11
Description: With prompting and support, identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.13
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a story an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.14
Description: With prompting and support, compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.15
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear (e.g., what person, place, thing, or idea in the text an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.18
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.19
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.W:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Writing
Performance Standard: ELA.K.W.A:Text Types and Purposes
Standard: ELA.K.22
Description: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single event or several loosely linked events, tell about the events in the order in which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what happened.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.W:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Writing
Performance Standard: ELA.K.W.B:Production and Distribution of Writing
Standard: ELA.K.24
Description: With guidance and support from adults, respond to questions and suggestions from peers and add details to strengthen writing as needed.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.30
Description: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. •Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns speaking about the topics and texts under discussion). •Continue a conversation through multiple exchanges.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.31
Description: Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.32
Description: Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.33
Description: Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.34
Description: Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.35
Description: Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.36
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. •Print many upper- and lowercase letters. •Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs. •Form regular plural nouns orally by adding /s/ or /es/ (e.g., dog, dogs; wish, wishes). •Understand and use question words (interrogatives) (e.g., who, what, where, when, why, how). •Use the most frequently occurring prepositions (e.g., to, from, in, out, on, off, for, of, by, with). •Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.C:Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Standard: ELA.K.40
Description: With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word meanings. •Sort common objects into categories (e.g., shapes, foods) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent. •Demonstrate understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives by relating them to their opposites (antonyms). •Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., note places at school that are colorful). •Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs describing the same general action (e.g., walk, march, strut, prance) by acting out the meanings.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.C:Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Standard: ELA.K.41
Description: Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: Science
Strand: S.K:West Virginia Science - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: S.K.GS:General Science
Standard: S.K.GS.3
Description: use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Science
Strand: S.K:West Virginia Science - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: S.K.GS:General Science
Standard: S.K.GS.5
Description: use a model to represent the relationship between the needs of different plants or animals (including humans) and the places they live
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.1
Description: Develop an understanding of citizenship and patriotism through a variety of experiences (e.g., appropriate behavior, sharing, taking turns, volunteering, being honest and demonstrating responsibility for materials and personal belongings).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.2
Description: Participate in role play to resolve disputes, and demonstrate tolerance and acceptance of others and their ideas.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.3
Description: Investigate the need for rules in their environment, create a set of classroom rules, and explore the consequences for not following the rules.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.4
Description: Investigate the leadership roles within their families, classrooms and schools and demonstrate their understanding through activities such as role play and classroom jobs.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: E.SS.K:Economics
Standard: SS.K.5
Description: Investigate occupations within the school and local community.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: E.SS.K:Economics
Standard: SS.K.6
Description: Discover the basic needs of people (e.g., shelter, food, clothing, etc.) and give examples of each.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: E.SS.K:Economics
Standard: SS.K.7
Description: Investigate the exchange of goods and services (e.g., money, bartering, trading, etc.).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: E.SS.K:Economics
Standard: SS.K.8
Description: Distinguish between wants and needs.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: G.SS.K:Geography
Standard: SS.K.13
Description: Investigate the need for symbols in daily life (e.g., exit, stop sign, bathroom signs, school zone, stop light, etc.).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: H.SS.K:History
Standard: SS.K.14
Description: Illustrate personal history (e.g., first and last name, birthday, age, guardian's name, and other personal data).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Student Objectives
Lesson 16
Use visual discrimination to compare postage stamps
Explain how parts of a mailing address help the mail carrier do his job
Identify uppercase and lowercase Hh
Use letter-sound association for h
Recognize that an exclamation point is used to show excitement
Read words with the phonogram _it
Read high-frequency words: here, she
Write h
Lesson 17
Explain the history of the postal system
Match a written name to a name tag
Identify uppercase and lowercase Hh
Use letter-sound association for h
Read words with final s
Write H
Lesson 18
Identify items needed for mailing a box for delivery
Identify uppercase and lowercase Ww
Use letter-sound association for w
Read words with final s
Read words with phonograms _in and _it
Write w
Write a word
Lesson 19
State how ZIP codes help when sorting mail
Write a class thank-you letter
List ways that personal letters encourage others
Identify uppercase and lowercase Ww
Use letter-sound association for w
Write W
Lesson 20
Interpret details in pictures
Read simple sentences
Predict the outcome of the story
Identify key details in a text
Use proper inflection when reading a sentence with an exclamation point
Lesson 16:Getting Mail
Lesson 17: Delivering the Mail
Lesson 18: Mailing Packages
Lesson 19: Writing a Letter
Lesson 20: Hit It!
Learning Center - Mail Sort
Snack of the Week - Delicious Letters
Show and Tell
Bring an item or tell a story about stamps, mail carriers, or a special letter or card
Heritage Studies
Getting Mail
Mail Delivery
Mail a Package / Pack a Box
A Thank-You Letter
Language Arts
Phonics and English Skills
Letter Recognition
Add to a Word Family
Punctuation: Exclamation Point
Phonics Story
Phonics Fun: Mail Truck Letter Sort
Phonics Fun: Mailing Packages
Phonics Fun: Sort the Mail
Practice Time
Mystery Letter
Packing a Class Book
Thank-You Cards
Mail a Letter
High-Frequency Words
Proper Nouns
Final s
Story and Rhyme Time
see teacher guide for suggested books
Write Now
Write Now! pages 19-23
Motor Skills
Mail Carrier and Letter
Pony Express
Letter Relay
The Mail Route
Letter, Letter, Friend
Arts and Crafts
Mail Carrier's Hat
Special Delivery
Make a Stamp
Sing a Song
A Tisket, a Tasket
Biblical Integration Concepts
God is great, and God is good
God created me and all things
The Bible is God's Word, and it is true
I learn in order to serve God and others
Biblical Integration Strategies
Explain that the Bible also contains letters and that these letters make up what we call books of the Bible
Tell the story of Nehemiah; explain how the letters from the king helped Nehemiah on his journey
Utilize stations
Differentiate reading
Use graphics and pictures
Set up specific daily classroom routines
Use reading comprehension cards
Present letter formation with the name and sound to reinforce visual memory
Have students sing a phonics song as they learn each new letter-sound association
Colorful pictures reinforce each letter sound
Utilize the theme of the lesson to reinforce and connect various objectives
Unit 1: All Around the Town / Week 5: Healthcare Workers
(updated 11/14/23)
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.A:Fluency
Standard: ELA.K.I
Description: Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.B:Phonics and Word Recognition
Standard: ELA.K.II
Description: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. •Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary or many of the most frequent sound for each consonant. •Associate the long and short sounds with common spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels. •Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does). •Distinguish between similarly spelled words by identifying the sounds of the letters that differ.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.C:Handwriting
Standard: ELA.K.III
Description: Print upper- and lowercase letters
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Description: Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). •Recognize and produce rhyming words. •Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words. •Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words. •Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in three-phoneme (consonant-vowel-consonant, or CVC) words. (This does not include CVCs ending with /l/, /r/, or /x/.) •Add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in simple, one-syllable words to make new words.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.E:Print concepts
Standard: ELA.K.V
Description: Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. •Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page. •Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters. •Understand that words are separated by spaces in print. •Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.1
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.2
Description: With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.3
Description: With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.4
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.5
Description: With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.6
Description: With prompting and support, describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.7
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.8
Description: With prompting and support, recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.9
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a story and define the role of each in telling the story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.10
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.11
Description: With prompting and support, identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.13
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a story an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.14
Description: With prompting and support, compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.15
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear (e.g., what person, place, thing, or idea in the text an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.16
Description: With prompting and support, identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.17
Description: With prompting and support, identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic (e.g., in illustrations, descriptions, or procedures).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.18
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.19
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.W:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Writing
Performance Standard: ELA.K.W.B:Production and Distribution of Writing
Standard: ELA.K.24
Description: With guidance and support from adults, respond to questions and suggestions from peers and add details to strengthen writing as needed.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.33
Description: Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.34
Description: Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.35
Description: Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.36
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. •Print many upper- and lowercase letters. •Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs. •Form regular plural nouns orally by adding /s/ or /es/ (e.g., dog, dogs; wish, wishes). •Understand and use question words (interrogatives) (e.g., who, what, where, when, why, how). •Use the most frequently occurring prepositions (e.g., to, from, in, out, on, off, for, of, by, with). •Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.37
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. •Capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I. •Recognize and name end punctuation. •Write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds (phonemes). •Spell simple words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of sound-letter relationships.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.C:Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Standard: ELA.K.39
Description: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on kindergarten reading and content. •Identify new meanings for familiar words and apply them accurately (e.g., knowing duck is a bird and learning the verb to duck). •Introduce the most frequently occurring inflections and affixes (e.g., -ed, -s, re-, un-, pre-, -ful, -less) as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.C:Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Standard: ELA.K.40
Description: With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word meanings. •Sort common objects into categories (e.g., shapes, foods) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent. •Demonstrate understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives by relating them to their opposites (antonyms). •Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., note places at school that are colorful). •Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs describing the same general action (e.g., walk, march, strut, prance) by acting out the meanings.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.C:Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Standard: ELA.K.41
Description: Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: Science
Strand: S.K:West Virginia Science - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: S.K.GS:General Science
Standard: S.K.GS.3
Description: use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Science
Strand: S.K:West Virginia Science - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: S.K.GS:General Science
Standard: S.K.GS.4
Description: construct an argument supported by evidence for how plans and animals (including humans) can change the environment to meet their needs
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Science
Strand: S.K:West Virginia Science - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: S.K.GS:General Science
Standard: S.K.GS.6
Description: communicate solutions that will reduce the impact of humans on the land, water, air, and/or other living things in the local environment
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.1
Description: Develop an understanding of citizenship and patriotism through a variety of experiences (e.g., appropriate behavior, sharing, taking turns, volunteering, being honest and demonstrating responsibility for materials and personal belongings).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.2
Description: Participate in role play to resolve disputes, and demonstrate tolerance and acceptance of others and their ideas.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.3
Description: Investigate the need for rules in their environment, create a set of classroom rules, and explore the consequences for not following the rules.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.4
Description: Investigate the leadership roles within their families, classrooms and schools and demonstrate their understanding through activities such as role play and classroom jobs.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: E.SS.K:Economics
Standard: SS.K.6
Description: Discover the basic needs of people (e.g., shelter, food, clothing, etc.) and give examples of each.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: E.SS.K:Economics
Standard: SS.K.7
Description: Investigate the exchange of goods and services (e.g., money, bartering, trading, etc.).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: E.SS.K:Economics
Standard: SS.K.8
Description: Distinguish between wants and needs.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: H.SS.K:History
Standard: SS.K.14
Description: Illustrate personal history (e.g., first and last name, birthday, age, guardian's name, and other personal data).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Student Objectives
Lesson 21
Explain the difference between primary and permanent teeth
Order events in a story
Identify uppercase and lowercase Ee
Use letter-sound association for e
Read words with the phonogram _en
Read the high-frequency words the and what
Write e
Lesson 22
State some ways to keep teeth healthy
Complete a shared writing activity
Identify uppercase and lowercase Ee
Use letter-sound association for e
Read words with the phonograms _es and _et
Recognize that a questions mark is used to show a question
Write E
Lesson 23
List ways to avoid spreading colds
Use letter-sound associations for e and i
Read words with short vowels
Use letter-sound association for s
Read words with the phonogram _is
Use correct spacing when writing a word
Lesson 24
Name some ways to stay healthy
List foods that are healthy to eat
Demonstrate the best way to wash one's hands
Complete a creative writing activity
Identify uppercase and lowercase letters
Review letter-sound associations
Read words with short vowels
Review all high-frequency words
Write a sentence
Lesson 25
Identify details in pictures
Read a simple story
Distinguish fantasy from realistic fiction
Lesson 21: To the Dentist
Lesson 22: Healthy Teeth
Lesson 23: To the Doctor
Lesson 24: Keeping Healthy
Lesson 25: Wet!
Learning Center - Tooth Match
Snack of the Week - Smiling Snack
Show and Tell - Share a story about losing a tooth or a special dentist or doctor
Two Sets of Teeth
Teeth Model
Smile and Cheese Experiment
Take Care of Your Teeth
Veggie Taste
To the Doctor
Healthy Habits
Language Arts
Phonics and English Skills
Letter Recognition
Word Families
High Frequency Words
Phonics Practice - The Hen
Phonics Practice - Sit Here
Phonics Game: Sneezing Sounds
Proper Nouns
Final s
Question Mark
Thumbs Up
Choose a Word
Story and Rhyme Time
See teacher guide for suggested books
Write Now!
Write Now! pages 24-28
Arts and Crafts
Tooth Paths
Catch a Sneeze
Tooth Puppet
Motor Skills
Catch a Cold
Shiny Tooth
The Wiggle Game
Picking Up a Letter
Sing a Song
I Am Healthy
The Mulberry Bush (wash hands, brush teeth)
Heritage Studies
Community Helper Riddles
Let's Read
Phonics and Reading Focus
Biblical Integration Concepts
God is great, and God is good
God created me and all things
The Bible is God's Word, and it is true
I learn in order to serve God and others
Biblical Integration Strategies
Tell the story of how Jesus raised the little girl back to life (Matthew 9:23-26)
Explain that Jesus is the great Physician
Tell the students God's promises of what heaven will be like forever (Revelation 21:1-4)
Utilize stations within the classroom
Differentiate reading instruction
Assign practice work text pages
Daily Review
Use Rhymes and Songs to practice and help students remember
Use Rhyme Motions
Discuss the jobs of community helpers
Bring in community helpers to work with students
Set up Field trips to various places in the community
Unit 2: Bookshelf Friends / Week 6: The Bible and Hymns
(updated 11/15/23)
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.A:Fluency
Standard: ELA.K.I
Description: Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.B:Phonics and Word Recognition
Standard: ELA.K.II
Description: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. •Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary or many of the most frequent sound for each consonant. •Associate the long and short sounds with common spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels. •Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does). •Distinguish between similarly spelled words by identifying the sounds of the letters that differ.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.C:Handwriting
Standard: ELA.K.III
Description: Print upper- and lowercase letters
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Description: Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). •Recognize and produce rhyming words. •Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words. •Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words. •Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in three-phoneme (consonant-vowel-consonant, or CVC) words. (This does not include CVCs ending with /l/, /r/, or /x/.) •Add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in simple, one-syllable words to make new words.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.E:Print concepts
Standard: ELA.K.V
Description: Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. •Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page. •Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters. •Understand that words are separated by spaces in print. •Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.1
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.2
Description: With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.3
Description: With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.4
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.5
Description: With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.6
Description: With prompting and support, describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.7
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.8
Description: With prompting and support, recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.9
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a story and define the role of each in telling the story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.10
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.11
Description: With prompting and support, identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.12
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a text and define the role of each in presenting the ideas or information in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.13
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a story an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.14
Description: With prompting and support, compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.15
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear (e.g., what person, place, thing, or idea in the text an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.16
Description: With prompting and support, identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.18
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.19
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.W:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Writing
Performance Standard: ELA.K.W.A:Text Types and Purposes
Standard: ELA.K.20
Description: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is . . .).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.W:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Writing
Performance Standard: ELA.K.W.A:Text Types and Purposes
Standard: ELA.K.21
Description: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.W:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Writing
Performance Standard: ELA.K.W.B:Production and Distribution of Writing
Standard: ELA.K.24
Description: With guidance and support from adults, respond to questions and suggestions from peers and add details to strengthen writing as needed.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.W:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Writing
Performance Standard: ELA.K.W.C:Research to Build and Present Knowledge
Standard: ELA.K.27
Description: With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.30
Description: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. •Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns speaking about the topics and texts under discussion). •Continue a conversation through multiple exchanges.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.31
Description: Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.32
Description: Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.33
Description: Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.34
Description: Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.35
Description: Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.36
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. •Print many upper- and lowercase letters. •Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs. •Form regular plural nouns orally by adding /s/ or /es/ (e.g., dog, dogs; wish, wishes). •Understand and use question words (interrogatives) (e.g., who, what, where, when, why, how). •Use the most frequently occurring prepositions (e.g., to, from, in, out, on, off, for, of, by, with). •Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.37
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. •Capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I. •Recognize and name end punctuation. •Write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds (phonemes). •Spell simple words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of sound-letter relationships.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.C:Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Standard: ELA.K.39
Description: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on kindergarten reading and content. •Identify new meanings for familiar words and apply them accurately (e.g., knowing duck is a bird and learning the verb to duck). •Introduce the most frequently occurring inflections and affixes (e.g., -ed, -s, re-, un-, pre-, -ful, -less) as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.C:Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Standard: ELA.K.40
Description: With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word meanings. •Sort common objects into categories (e.g., shapes, foods) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent. •Demonstrate understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives by relating them to their opposites (antonyms). •Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., note places at school that are colorful). •Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs describing the same general action (e.g., walk, march, strut, prance) by acting out the meanings.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.C:Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Standard: ELA.K.41
Description: Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: Science
Strand: S.K:West Virginia Science - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: S.K.GS:General Science
Standard: S.K.GS.4
Description: construct an argument supported by evidence for how plans and animals (including humans) can change the environment to meet their needs
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Science
Strand: S.K:West Virginia Science - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: S.K.GS:General Science
Standard: S.K.GS.5
Description: use a model to represent the relationship between the needs of different plants or animals (including humans) and the places they live
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: E.SS.K:Economics
Standard: SS.K.5
Description: Investigate occupations within the school and local community.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: E.SS.K:Economics
Standard: SS.K.6
Description: Discover the basic needs of people (e.g., shelter, food, clothing, etc.) and give examples of each.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: E.SS.K:Economics
Standard: SS.K.8
Description: Distinguish between wants and needs.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: H.SS.K:History
Standard: SS.K.14
Description: Illustrate personal history (e.g., first and last name, birthday, age, guardian's name, and other personal data).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: H.SS.K:History
Standard: SS.K.15
Description: Explore the history of the school and give examples of significant sites and people (e.g., principals, secretaries, teachers, custodians, etc.).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: H.SS.K:History
Standard: SS.K.16
Description: Investigate the past and explore the differences in other people, times and cultures through stories of people, heroes, pictures, songs, holidays, customs, traditions or legends.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: H.SS.K:History
Standard: SS.K.17
Description: Explore time, places, people and events in relationship to student's own life (e.g., family trees, pictures, stories, etc.).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Student Objectives
Lesson 26
Explain that the Bible is a special book
Identify parts of the Bible
List ways to reuse Bibles
Explain the importance of learning to read in order to read the Bible
identify uppercase and lowercase Bb
Use letter-sounds association for b
Read the high-frequency words love and my
Identify the correct use of the exclamation point
Write b
Lesson 27
Explain that the Bible was written by holy men of God
State that God breathed out the words of the Bible by His Holy Spirit
Dictate or write a word or phrase to complete a creative-writing activity
Identify uppercase and lowercase Bb
Use letter-sound association for b
Read words with the phonograms _eb and _ib
Read high-frequency words
Write B
Lesson 28
State that the Bible tells one big story
Summarize the Bible with the words Creation, Fall, and Redemption
Explain the key aspects of Creation, the Fall, and Redemption
Identify uppercase and lowercase Pp
Use letter-sound association for p
Read words with the phonogram _ip
Write p
Lesson 29
Identify the purposes for singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs
List different types of songs sung in church
Identify an example of a songbook in the Bible
Compare and contrast a psalm with a hymn
Dictate a new verse to a familiar song
Identify uppercase and lowercase Pp
Use letter-sound association for p
Write P
Lesson 30
Draw conclusions from picture interpretation and text
Read orally to communicate the author's mesage
Use proper inflection when reading an exclamatory sentence
Lesson 26: What Is the Bible?
Lesson 27: Who Wrote the Bible?
Lesson 28: The Bible's Story
Lesson 29: Songs and Hymns
Lesson 30: My Pet
Learning Center - Bible Dictionary
Show and Tell - Encourage students to bring their Bibles in to share
Snack of the Week -Loaves and Fishes Snack Mix
Heritage Studies
Introduce the Bible
Writing the Bible
The Bible's Story
Creation, Fall, and Redemption
Language Arts
Phonics and English Skills
Letter Recognition
Read Word Families
Exclamation Point
Phonics Story
In the Bin
My Web
Phonics Game:
B is Best!
Phonics Fun
Collect the
Letter Buddies
I Spy
Sentence Roundup
Popcorn p
P is for Pancake
Around the World
Arts and Crafts
Word Rubbings
The Days of Creation
My Favorite Hymn
P is Purple; B is Blue
Write Now!
Write Now! page 29-33
Sing a Song
Familiar hymns, choruses, or songs about the Bible
Time to Write
Motor Skills
Words in Action
Hot Potato
Walk like an Animal
Play an Instrument
Biblical Integration Concepts
God is great, and God is good
God created me and all things
The Bible is God's Word, and it is true
I learn in order to serve God and others
Biblical Integration Strategies
Remind the students that the Bible teaches us how to live
Read several of the psalms that David wrote; explain to the students that David wrote the words that God guided him to write
Read the creation verses in Genesis 1, emphasizing that God spoke into being everything that He created
Tell the account of Jericho's walls tumbling down (Joshua 6), emphasizing the part the trumpets played in the account
Invite students into the excitement of learning by providing a variety of interesting activities
Use colorful pictures to reinforce each letter and sound
Have students sing a phonics song as they learn each new letter-sound association
Provide various learning centers
Utilize games and motor activities as they practice and review sounds and words
Theme activities and snacks to the objectives of the week
Post the 4 Biblical Integration Concepts around the room and refer to them daily
Organize classroom based upon a specific daily schedule
Post daily schedule
Teach daily routines, e.g., walking in line
Group for differentiated instruction
Set aside time and classroom areas for group instruction
Assign worktext and phonic card practice
Use Review for You and Checkup Stations to assess student progress
Build comprehension skills by having students ask and answer questions
Discuss questions during the silent reading time
Work daily on oral reading fluency
Utilize Visuals and Instructional Aids
Encourage partner reading
Unit 2: Bookshelf Friends / Week 7: The Library
(updated 11/16/23)
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.A:Fluency
Standard: ELA.K.I
Description: Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.B:Phonics and Word Recognition
Standard: ELA.K.II
Description: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. •Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary or many of the most frequent sound for each consonant. •Associate the long and short sounds with common spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels. •Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does). •Distinguish between similarly spelled words by identifying the sounds of the letters that differ.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.C:Handwriting
Standard: ELA.K.III
Description: Print upper- and lowercase letters
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Description: Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). •Recognize and produce rhyming words. •Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words. •Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words. •Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in three-phoneme (consonant-vowel-consonant, or CVC) words. (This does not include CVCs ending with /l/, /r/, or /x/.) •Add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in simple, one-syllable words to make new words.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.E:Print concepts
Standard: ELA.K.V
Description: Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. •Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page. •Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters. •Understand that words are separated by spaces in print. •Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.1
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.2
Description: With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.3
Description: With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.4
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.5
Description: With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.7
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.8
Description: With prompting and support, recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.9
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a story and define the role of each in telling the story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.10
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.12
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a text and define the role of each in presenting the ideas or information in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.13
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a story an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.14
Description: With prompting and support, compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.15
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear (e.g., what person, place, thing, or idea in the text an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.18
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.19
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.W:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Writing
Performance Standard: ELA.K.W.A:Text Types and Purposes
Standard: ELA.K.21
Description: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.W:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Writing
Performance Standard: ELA.K.W.A:Text Types and Purposes
Standard: ELA.K.22
Description: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single event or several loosely linked events, tell about the events in the order in which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what happened.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.30
Description: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. •Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns speaking about the topics and texts under discussion). •Continue a conversation through multiple exchanges.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.31
Description: Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.32
Description: Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.33
Description: Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.34
Description: Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.35
Description: Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.36
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. •Print many upper- and lowercase letters. •Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs. •Form regular plural nouns orally by adding /s/ or /es/ (e.g., dog, dogs; wish, wishes). •Understand and use question words (interrogatives) (e.g., who, what, where, when, why, how). •Use the most frequently occurring prepositions (e.g., to, from, in, out, on, off, for, of, by, with). •Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.37
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. •Capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I. •Recognize and name end punctuation. •Write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds (phonemes). •Spell simple words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of sound-letter relationships.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.C:Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Standard: ELA.K.39
Description: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on kindergarten reading and content. •Identify new meanings for familiar words and apply them accurately (e.g., knowing duck is a bird and learning the verb to duck). •Introduce the most frequently occurring inflections and affixes (e.g., -ed, -s, re-, un-, pre-, -ful, -less) as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.C:Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Standard: ELA.K.40
Description: With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word meanings. •Sort common objects into categories (e.g., shapes, foods) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent. •Demonstrate understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives by relating them to their opposites (antonyms). •Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., note places at school that are colorful). •Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs describing the same general action (e.g., walk, march, strut, prance) by acting out the meanings.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.C:Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Standard: ELA.K.41
Description: Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: Science
Strand: S.K:West Virginia Science - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: S.K.GS:General Science
Standard: S.K.GS.6
Description: communicate solutions that will reduce the impact of humans on the land, water, air, and/or other living things in the local environment
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Science
Strand: S.K:West Virginia Science - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: S.K.GS:General Science
Standard: S.K.GS.7
Description: use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Science
Strand: S.K:West Virginia Science - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: S.K.GS:General Science
Standard: S.K.GS.8
Description: ask questions to obtain information about the purpose of weather forecasting to prepare for, and respond to, severe weather
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Science
Strand: S.K:West Virginia Science - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: S.K.GS:General Science
Standard: S.K.GS.9
Description: make observation to determine the effect of sunlight on Earth's surface
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.1
Description: Develop an understanding of citizenship and patriotism through a variety of experiences (e.g., appropriate behavior, sharing, taking turns, volunteering, being honest and demonstrating responsibility for materials and personal belongings).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.2
Description: Participate in role play to resolve disputes, and demonstrate tolerance and acceptance of others and their ideas.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.3
Description: Investigate the need for rules in their environment, create a set of classroom rules, and explore the consequences for not following the rules.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.4
Description: Investigate the leadership roles within their families, classrooms and schools and demonstrate their understanding through activities such as role play and classroom jobs.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: E.SS.K:Economics
Standard: SS.K.5
Description: Investigate occupations within the school and local community.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: E.SS.K:Economics
Standard: SS.K.6
Description: Discover the basic needs of people (e.g., shelter, food, clothing, etc.) and give examples of each.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: E.SS.K:Economics
Standard: SS.K.8
Description: Distinguish between wants and needs.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Student Objectives
Lesson 31
State the purpose of a library
List types of books that can be found in a library
Distinguish fiction from nonfiction
Explain how to check out books at the library
Identify uppercase and lowercase Uu
Use letter-sound association for u /u/
Read words with the phonograms _un and _up
Read high-frequency words pretty and says
Identify the correct use of quotation marks
Write u
Lesson 32
Review the difference between left and right
State that Story Time is a function of the library
Participate in a Story Time session
Form an opinion about a story
Dictate or draw to compose an opinion piece about a story
Share a composition with a peer
Identify uppercase and lowercase Uu
Use letter-sound association for u /u/
Read words with the phonograms _ub, _us, and _ut
Write U
Lesson 33
List things to do at the library
Identify the purpose of a computer
Describe the purpose of a browser
Identify uppercase and lowercase Kk
Use letter-sound association for k /k/
Read words with initial k
Write k
Lesson 34
State that magazines for children and adults can be found at the library
Identify the main topic of a text
Complete a creative-writing activity
Identify uppercase and lowercase Kk
Use letter-sound association for k /k/
Write K
Lesson 35
Make predictions based on illustrations
Recall the meaning of quotation marks
Distinguish fantasy from realistic fiction
Lesson 31: Books at the Library
Lesson 32: Story Time at the Library
Lesson 33: Things to Do at the Library
Lesson 34: Magazines at the Library
Lesson 35: The Bus
Learning Center - Tell Me a Story
Snack of the Week - Graham-Cracker Book Cover
Show and Tell - Encourage the students to bring their favorite book
Heritage Studies
To the Library
Language Arts
Phonics and English Skills
Letter Recognition
Sing Songs
Word Families
High-Frequency Words
Story Time
Quotation Marks
Phonics Practice: The Sun
Phonics Practice: The Pup
Phonics Fun: Curtsy and Bow
Phonics Fun: Word Family Tic-Tac-Toe
Hopscotch Goes Left and Right
Bookmark Fun
Children's Magazines
Arts and Crafts
Paper-Plate Spider Web
Egg Painting
Classifying Spiders
Motor Skills
Spider Races
Paint-Bag Writing
Above and Under
Over and Under
Write Now!
Write Now! pp. 34-38
Sing a Song
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Left Hand, Right Hand
Biblical Integration Concepts
God is great, and God is good
God created me and all things
The Bible is God's Word, and it is true
I learn in order to serve God and others
Biblical Integration Strategies
Explain how Jesus used parables to teach things to people; it is good to use made-up stories if they can help teach important truths
Read 2 Timonthy 4:13 and point out that Paul really wanted the books that he had left behind; explain to the students that the more time they spend with books, the more important books will become to them
Set the stage for comprehension-centered reading by asking questions
Help students identify the higher-order thinking questions by a symbol of a gear beside them
Use the colored pictures to help foster comprehension
Use composition activities to promote the reading/writing connection
Help students develop left-to right eye progression during reading and handwriting
Group students for differentiated learning
Establish routines that create smooth transitions
Use colorful pictures, puppets, and charts
Use Review for You and Let's Check pages to assess phonics progress
Unit 2: Bookshelf Friends / Week 8: Nursery Rhymes
(updated 12/31/23)
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.A:Fluency
Standard: ELA.K.I
Description: Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Description: Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). •Recognize and produce rhyming words. •Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words. •Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words. •Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in three-phoneme (consonant-vowel-consonant, or CVC) words. (This does not include CVCs ending with /l/, /r/, or /x/.) •Add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in simple, one-syllable words to make new words.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.B:Phonics and Word Recognition
Standard: ELA.K.II
Description: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. •Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary or many of the most frequent sound for each consonant. •Associate the long and short sounds with common spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels. •Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does). •Distinguish between similarly spelled words by identifying the sounds of the letters that differ.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.C:Handwriting
Standard: ELA.K.III
Description: Print upper- and lowercase letters
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.E:Print concepts
Standard: ELA.K.V
Description: Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. •Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page. •Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters. •Understand that words are separated by spaces in print. •Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.1
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.2
Description: With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.3
Description: With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.4
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.5
Description: With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.7
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.8
Description: With prompting and support, recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.9
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a story and define the role of each in telling the story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.10
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.11
Description: With prompting and support, identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.12
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a text and define the role of each in presenting the ideas or information in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.13
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a story an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.14
Description: With prompting and support, compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.18
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.19
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.30
Description: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. •Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns speaking about the topics and texts under discussion). •Continue a conversation through multiple exchanges.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.31
Description: Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.32
Description: Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.33
Description: Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.35
Description: Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.36
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. •Print many upper- and lowercase letters. •Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs. •Form regular plural nouns orally by adding /s/ or /es/ (e.g., dog, dogs; wish, wishes). •Understand and use question words (interrogatives) (e.g., who, what, where, when, why, how). •Use the most frequently occurring prepositions (e.g., to, from, in, out, on, off, for, of, by, with). •Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.37
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. •Capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I. •Recognize and name end punctuation. •Write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds (phonemes). •Spell simple words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of sound-letter relationships.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.C:Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Standard: ELA.K.40
Description: With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word meanings. •Sort common objects into categories (e.g., shapes, foods) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent. •Demonstrate understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives by relating them to their opposites (antonyms). •Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., note places at school that are colorful). •Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs describing the same general action (e.g., walk, march, strut, prance) by acting out the meanings.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.C:Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Standard: ELA.K.41
Description: Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.1
Description: Develop an understanding of citizenship and patriotism through a variety of experiences (e.g., appropriate behavior, sharing, taking turns, volunteering, being honest and demonstrating responsibility for materials and personal belongings).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.3
Description: Investigate the need for rules in their environment, create a set of classroom rules, and explore the consequences for not following the rules.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.4
Description: Investigate the leadership roles within their families, classrooms and schools and demonstrate their understanding through activities such as role play and classroom jobs.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: E.SS.K:Economics
Standard: SS.K.5
Description: Investigate occupations within the school and local community.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: E.SS.K:Economics
Standard: SS.K.6
Description: Discover the basic needs of people (e.g., shelter, food, clothing, etc.) and give examples of each.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Student Objectives
Lesson 36
Remember details in nursery rhymes
Identify the difference between a nursery rhyme and a story
State a story character's responsibilities at home
Explain how doing chores is a way to serve one's family
Identify uppercase and lowercase Cc
Use letter-sound association for c /k/
Read words with initial c
Read the high-frequency words little and new
Identify rhyming words
Write Cc
Lesson 37
Sequence events in a nursery rhyme
Distinguish between different emotions
Dictate sentences for a shared writing activity
Use letter-sound association for ck /k/
Read words with the phonograms _eck, _ick, and _uck
Write words that end in ck
Lesson 38
Classify objects using the sense of touch
Recall details from a story
Distinguish fantasy from realistic fiction
Use letter-sound association for e /e/, i /i/, and u /u/
Read words with short vowels
Write a sentence with proper spacing
Lesson 39
Identify words that rhyme
Dictate text to create a counting rhyme and complete a creative-writing activity
Read words with the phonograms _ess, _iss, and _inn
Write a phrase with proper spacing
Lesson 40
Read simple sentences
Interpret details in pictures
Draw conclusions from picture interpretations and text
Lesson 36: Rhymes about Children
Lesson 37: Rhymes about Kings and Queens
Lesson 38
Lesson 39
Lesson 40: Tip
Learning Center - The Mitten Line
Snack of the Week - Miss Muffet's Spider
Language Arts
Phonics and English Skills
Letter Recognition
Sing the Sounds
Rhyming Words
High-Frequency Words
Phonics Practice: Ken
Phonics Fun: Rhyme Time Train
Phonics Fun: Old King Cole Calls
Phonics Fun: Tic-Tac-Toe
Corn Horn
Letter Search
Memory Game
Nursery Rhyme Quiz Show
Sentence Roundup
Dress-Up Activity
Write a Story
Show and Tell - Encourage the students to either dress like a character from a nursery rhyme or to bring an item that would go with a nursery rhyme
Write Now!
Write Now! pages 39-43
Arts and Crafts
Jack's Candle
Humpty Dumpty
Many Mittens
Nursery Rhyme Numbers
Nursery Rhyme Puppets
Motor Skills
Nursery Rhyme Actions
Jumping Jack
Bo Peep Leader
Three-Kitten Bend
Left and Right
Sing a Song
The King Is on His Throne
Sing animal nursery rhymes
Ten Little Kittens
Introduce Animal Rhymes
Introduce Counting Rhymes
Biblical Integration Concepts
God is great, and God is good
God created me and all things
The Bible is God's Word, and it is true
I learn in order to serve God and others
Biblical Integration Strategies
Tell the story of Saul's becoming king (1 Samuel 10)
Provide stories about Christian families
Have students predict the ending of the story to help create interest in the story
Discussion questions during the silent-reading time are important to implement
Teach vocabulary in both phonics-related practice and sight words
Use a Pre-Cursive font found at the beginning reading level
Help students develop silent and oral reading habits that further fluency
Encourage parent participation in the learning process
Encourage partner reading
Use the reading guides as ways to help foster parental involvement
Unit 2: Bookshelf Friends / Week 9: Picture Books
(updated 11/16/23)
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.A:Fluency
Standard: ELA.K.I
Description: Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.B:Phonics and Word Recognition
Standard: ELA.K.II
Description: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. •Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary or many of the most frequent sound for each consonant. •Associate the long and short sounds with common spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels. •Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does). •Distinguish between similarly spelled words by identifying the sounds of the letters that differ.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.C:Handwriting
Standard: ELA.K.III
Description: Print upper- and lowercase letters
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Description: Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). •Recognize and produce rhyming words. •Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words. •Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words. •Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in three-phoneme (consonant-vowel-consonant, or CVC) words. (This does not include CVCs ending with /l/, /r/, or /x/.) •Add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in simple, one-syllable words to make new words.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.E:Print concepts
Standard: ELA.K.V
Description: Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. •Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page. •Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters. •Understand that words are separated by spaces in print. •Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.1
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.2
Description: With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.3
Description: With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.4
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.5
Description: With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.7
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.8
Description: With prompting and support, recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.9
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a story and define the role of each in telling the story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.10
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.11
Description: With prompting and support, identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.13
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a story an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.15
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear (e.g., what person, place, thing, or idea in the text an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.18
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.19
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.W:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Writing
Performance Standard: ELA.K.W.A:Text Types and Purposes
Standard: ELA.K.20
Description: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is . . .).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.W:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Writing
Performance Standard: ELA.K.W.A:Text Types and Purposes
Standard: ELA.K.21
Description: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.30
Description: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. •Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns speaking about the topics and texts under discussion). •Continue a conversation through multiple exchanges.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.35
Description: Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.36
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. •Print many upper- and lowercase letters. •Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs. •Form regular plural nouns orally by adding /s/ or /es/ (e.g., dog, dogs; wish, wishes). •Understand and use question words (interrogatives) (e.g., who, what, where, when, why, how). •Use the most frequently occurring prepositions (e.g., to, from, in, out, on, off, for, of, by, with). •Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.37
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. •Capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I. •Recognize and name end punctuation. •Write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds (phonemes). •Spell simple words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of sound-letter relationships.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.C:Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Standard: ELA.K.39
Description: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on kindergarten reading and content. •Identify new meanings for familiar words and apply them accurately (e.g., knowing duck is a bird and learning the verb to duck). •Introduce the most frequently occurring inflections and affixes (e.g., -ed, -s, re-, un-, pre-, -ful, -less) as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.C:Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Standard: ELA.K.40
Description: With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word meanings. •Sort common objects into categories (e.g., shapes, foods) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent. •Demonstrate understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives by relating them to their opposites (antonyms). •Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., note places at school that are colorful). •Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs describing the same general action (e.g., walk, march, strut, prance) by acting out the meanings.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.1
Description: Develop an understanding of citizenship and patriotism through a variety of experiences (e.g., appropriate behavior, sharing, taking turns, volunteering, being honest and demonstrating responsibility for materials and personal belongings).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.2
Description: Participate in role play to resolve disputes, and demonstrate tolerance and acceptance of others and their ideas.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.3
Description: Investigate the need for rules in their environment, create a set of classroom rules, and explore the consequences for not following the rules.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.4
Description: Investigate the leadership roles within their families, classrooms and schools and demonstrate their understanding through activities such as role play and classroom jobs.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Student Objectives
Lesson 41
Explain the job of an author
Identify God as the author of Scripture
Identify uppercase and lowercase Dd
Use letter-sound association for d
Read words with the phonograms _ed and _id
Read words with initial d
Read the high-frequency word come
Write d
Lesson 42
Explain the job of an illustrator
Identify tools used by illustrators
Identify God as the Creator
List some things that God created
Create an illustration
Identify uppercase and lowercase Dd
Use letter-sound association for d
Read words with the phonogram _ud
Write D
Lesson 43
Explain what an author and illustrator do, using examples
State the importance of good writing and illustrations
Identify uppercase and lowercase Aa
Use letter-sound association for a
Read words with the phonograms _ad, _as, and _at
Identify the vowel in a short-vowel word
Write a
Lesson 44
Use letter-sound association to make an alphabet book
Explain the stages of making a book
Use letter-sound association for a
Read words with the phonograms _ab, _an, and _ann
Read words with possessive s
Write A
Lesson 45
Determine which objects sink and which float
Distinguish fantasy from realistic fiction
Read animal names
Interpret details in pictures
Lesson 41: Authors
Lesson 42: Illustrators
Lesson 43: Peter Rabbit
Lesson 44: A Book for You
Lesson 45: In the Tub
Learning Center - Book Tent
Snack of the Week - Peter Rabbit Salad
Show and Tell -Encourage the students to bring a favorite picture book
An Author and an Illustrator
Language Arts
Phonics and English Skills
Letter Recognition
Sing the Sounds
Read Word Families
High-Frequency Words
Phonics Practice: The Kid
Phonics Fun: Word Sort
Phonics Fun: I Spy
Phonics Fun: Sound Match
Phonics Fun: Twisty letters
Final s
Parts of a Book
Carrot Dig
Mr. and Mrs. Short Puppets
Make a Book
Peter Rabbit Taste Test
Write Now!
Write Now pages 45-48
Motor Skills
Book Relay
Bunny Hop
Match Books
Arts and Crafts
Zigzag Book
Bunny Ears
Sing a Song
Books for Me
Biblical Integration Concepts
God is great, and God is good
God created me and all things
The Bible is God's Word, and it is true
I learn in order to serve God and others
Biblical Integration Strategies
Discuss how God created our world and the beautiful things we enjoy
Explain that since God created everything, we could say that He was the artist or illustrator of the world
Use labels on pictures and diagrams
The use of instructional aid worksheets will help facilitate learning
Read aloud to students 15 minutes during the daily lesson
Help students to summarize the story
Review high-frequency words and grammar and punctuation skills daily
Before reading use the cover picture and title to invite discussion
Display the Families and Friends visuals and the Colors visual
Set up a pocket cart for use with the Phonics characters, spelling cards, etc.
Unit 2: Bookshelf Friends / Week 10: Favorite Tales
(updated 11/16/23)
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.A:Fluency
Standard: ELA.K.I
Description: Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.B:Phonics and Word Recognition
Standard: ELA.K.II
Description: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. •Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary or many of the most frequent sound for each consonant. •Associate the long and short sounds with common spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels. •Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does). •Distinguish between similarly spelled words by identifying the sounds of the letters that differ.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.C:Handwriting
Standard: ELA.K.III
Description: Print upper- and lowercase letters
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Description: Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). •Recognize and produce rhyming words. •Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words. •Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words. •Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in three-phoneme (consonant-vowel-consonant, or CVC) words. (This does not include CVCs ending with /l/, /r/, or /x/.) •Add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in simple, one-syllable words to make new words.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.E:Print concepts
Standard: ELA.K.V
Description: Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. •Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page. •Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters. •Understand that words are separated by spaces in print. •Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.1
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.2
Description: With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.3
Description: With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.4
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.7
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.8
Description: With prompting and support, recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.9
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a story and define the role of each in telling the story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.10
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.11
Description: With prompting and support, identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.12
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a text and define the role of each in presenting the ideas or information in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.13
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a story an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.14
Description: With prompting and support, compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.15
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear (e.g., what person, place, thing, or idea in the text an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.18
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.19
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.33
Description: Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.35
Description: Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.36
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. •Print many upper- and lowercase letters. •Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs. •Form regular plural nouns orally by adding /s/ or /es/ (e.g., dog, dogs; wish, wishes). •Understand and use question words (interrogatives) (e.g., who, what, where, when, why, how). •Use the most frequently occurring prepositions (e.g., to, from, in, out, on, off, for, of, by, with). •Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.37
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. •Capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I. •Recognize and name end punctuation. •Write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds (phonemes). •Spell simple words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of sound-letter relationships.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.1
Description: Develop an understanding of citizenship and patriotism through a variety of experiences (e.g., appropriate behavior, sharing, taking turns, volunteering, being honest and demonstrating responsibility for materials and personal belongings).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.2
Description: Participate in role play to resolve disputes, and demonstrate tolerance and acceptance of others and their ideas.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.3
Description: Investigate the need for rules in their environment, create a set of classroom rules, and explore the consequences for not following the rules.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.4
Description: Investigate the leadership roles within their families, classrooms and schools and demonstrate their understanding through activities such as role play and classroom jobs.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Student Objectives
Lesson 46
Explain how storytelling has changed over time
Identify character traits of the animals in a story
Infer the theme of a story
Evaluate the theme based on 2 Thessalonians 3:10
Read words with the phonograms _ack and _ap
Read the high-frequency words baby, father, and mother
Write a phrase with proper spacing
Lesson 47
Describe the effect water has on a cookie
Participate in creating a new ending to "The Gingerbread Man" story
Dictate sentences for a shared writing activity
Use letter-sound association for e, i, and u
Read words with short vowels
Read words with plural s
Write a, b, c, d, and e
Lesson 48
Distinguish fantasy from realistic fiction
Predict the outcome of a story
Complete a creative-writing activity
Identify uppercase and lowercase Gg
Use letter-sound association for g
Identify plural nouns
Read words with the phonograms _ig and _ug
Write g
Lesson 49
Use puppets to act out a story
Sort objects by size
Complete a creative-writing activity
Identify uppercase and lowercase Gg
Use letter-sound associations for g
Read words with the phonograms _ag, _eg, and _egg
Read sentences with short vowel words
Write G
Lesson 50
Distinguish fanciful characters from realistic characters
Relate one story plot to another
Determine story setting from pictures
Lesson 46: The Little Red Hen
Lesson 47: The Gingerbread Man
Lesson 48: The Three Little Pigs
Lesson 49: The Three Bears
Lesson 50: The Cats
Learning Center -Listening Post
Snack of the Week -Gingerbread Cookies
Show and Tell - Encourage the students to bring a favorite teddy bear
The Little Red Hen
The Gingerbread Man
The Three Little Pigs
The Three Bears
Language Arts
Phonics and English Skills
Letter Recognition
Read Word Families
Guided Reading
High-Frequency Words
Phonics Charts
Stick Puppet: Dottie
Phonics Practice: Dan's Sack
Phonics Fun: Disappear
Phonics Fun: Alphabet Foods
Phonics Practice: Wigs
Phonics Fun: Reading Three
Lay an Egg
What Would You Do?
Animal Homes
The Three Bears Story
Sequence the Letters
Plural s
Quotation Marks
Arts and Crafts
The Little Red Hen
Salt Dough Gingerbread Man
Sets of Three
Sing a Song
Little Red Hen
The Gingerbread Man
Straw, Sticks, Bricks
Motor Skills
Helping Plant
Follow the Gingerbread Man
Like a Bear
Grow Wheat
Write Now!
Write Now! pp. 49-53
Biblical Integration Concepts
God is great, and God is good
God created me and all things
The Bible is God's Word, and it is true
I learn in order to serve God and others
Biblical Integration Strategies
Relate the various nursery rhymes and fairy tale stories to Bible stories (true vs. false)
Encourage the students to share things that come in threes from the Bible (Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus; Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego)
Use word cards and oral sentences to review story vocabulary
Use props to guide a discussion about each story (ie. taste of oatmeal)
Use the cover pictures and invite discussion
Unit 2: Bookshelf Friends / Week 11: Books that Teach
(updated 12/31/23)
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.A:Fluency
Standard: ELA.K.I
Description: Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.B:Phonics and Word Recognition
Standard: ELA.K.II
Description: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. •Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary or many of the most frequent sound for each consonant. •Associate the long and short sounds with common spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels. •Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does). •Distinguish between similarly spelled words by identifying the sounds of the letters that differ.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.C:Handwriting
Standard: ELA.K.III
Description: Print upper- and lowercase letters
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Description: Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). •Recognize and produce rhyming words. •Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words. •Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words. •Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in three-phoneme (consonant-vowel-consonant, or CVC) words. (This does not include CVCs ending with /l/, /r/, or /x/.) •Add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in simple, one-syllable words to make new words.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.E:Print concepts
Standard: ELA.K.V
Description: Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. •Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page. •Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters. •Understand that words are separated by spaces in print. •Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.1
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.2
Description: With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.3
Description: With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.4
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.5
Description: With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.7
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.8
Description: With prompting and support, recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.9
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a story and define the role of each in telling the story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.10
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.11
Description: With prompting and support, identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.12
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a text and define the role of each in presenting the ideas or information in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.13
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a story an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.15
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear (e.g., what person, place, thing, or idea in the text an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.18
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.19
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.33
Description: Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.34
Description: Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.35
Description: Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.36
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. •Print many upper- and lowercase letters. •Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs. •Form regular plural nouns orally by adding /s/ or /es/ (e.g., dog, dogs; wish, wishes). •Understand and use question words (interrogatives) (e.g., who, what, where, when, why, how). •Use the most frequently occurring prepositions (e.g., to, from, in, out, on, off, for, of, by, with). •Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.37
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. •Capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I. •Recognize and name end punctuation. •Write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds (phonemes). •Spell simple words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of sound-letter relationships.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Student Objectives
Lesson 51
List different types of learning books
Explain how to use several types of learning books
Distinguish between fiction and nonfiction
Identify uppercase and lowercase Oo
Use letter-sound association for o
Read words with the phonograms _ob, _ock, _od, _op, and _ot
Read the high-frequency word good
Write o
Lesson 52
Identify the purpose of how-to-books
List types of how-to books
Follow the directions of a recipe
Describe a food using the five senses
Dictate sentences for a shared writing activity
Identify uppercase and lowercase Oo
Use letter-sound association for o
Read words with the phonograms _og, _on, and _oss
Write O
Lesson 53
Sing some songs
State that songbooks have songs in them
Follow directions to complete a singing game
Use letter-sound association for short vowels
Read words with short vowels
Write vowels
Lesson 54
Identify objects that are attracted to a magnet
Complete a creative-writing activity
Identify uppercase and lowercase letters
Review letter-sound associations
Read words with short vowels
Review all high-frequency words
Write a sentence
Lesson 55
Interpret action in pictures
Determine story settings from pictures
Interpret descriptive sentences
Explain how God protected Moses
Distinguish a Bible account from fiction
Read simple sentences
Lesson 51: Learning Books
Lesson 52: How-to Books
Lesson 53: Songbooks
Lesson 54: Science Books
Lesson 55: The Bed
Learning Center - Follow the Notes
Snack of the Week -Dot-to-Dot Cookies
Show and Tell -Encourage the students to bring their favorite science book
Heritage Studies
Learning Books
Language Arts
Phonics and English Skills
Letter Recognition
Word Families
High-Frequency Words
Guided Reading
Phonics Practice: Dot
Phonics Fun: Set the Table
Phonics Fun: Toss the Bag
Phonics Practice: Socks
Phonics Fun: Make Words
Phonics Fun: I Spy
High-Frequency Word Sentences
Sentence Roundup
Arts and Crafts
How-to Activity
Ring the Bells
Baby Moses
Write Now!
Write Now pp. 54-58
Sing a Song
Bookshelf Friends
Motor Skills
Q-Tip Painting
Corn Shakers
Cup Relay
Act it Out
How-to Books
Popcorn Tasting
Musical Jars
Science Books
Biblical Integration Concepts
God is great, and God is good
God created me and all things
The Bible is God's Word, and it is true
I learn in order to serve God and others
Biblical Integration Strategies
Read, discuss and act out the story of Baby Moses
Read the account of Pharaoh's daughter finding Moses in Exodus 2:5-9
Practice reading aloud slowly and work towards greater oral fluency
Use games and motor activities to reinforce and practice new sounds and words
Utilize colorful pictures to reinforce each letter and sound
Students should sing a phonics song as they learn each new letter-sound association
Set up classroom stations and give students time to explore each station
Quarter 2
Unit 3: Ants to Elephants / Week 12: Bible Animals
(updated 12/5/23)
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.A:Fluency
Standard: ELA.K.I
Description: Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.B:Phonics and Word Recognition
Standard: ELA.K.II
Description: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. •Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary or many of the most frequent sound for each consonant. •Associate the long and short sounds with common spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels. •Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does). •Distinguish between similarly spelled words by identifying the sounds of the letters that differ.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.C:Handwriting
Standard: ELA.K.III
Description: Print upper- and lowercase letters
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Description: Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). •Recognize and produce rhyming words. •Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words. •Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words. •Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in three-phoneme (consonant-vowel-consonant, or CVC) words. (This does not include CVCs ending with /l/, /r/, or /x/.) •Add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in simple, one-syllable words to make new words.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.E:Print concepts
Standard: ELA.K.V
Description: Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. •Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page. •Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters. •Understand that words are separated by spaces in print. •Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.1
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.2
Description: With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.3
Description: With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.4
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.5
Description: With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.6
Description: With prompting and support, describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.7
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.8
Description: With prompting and support, recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.9
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a story and define the role of each in telling the story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.10
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.11
Description: With prompting and support, identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.12
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a text and define the role of each in presenting the ideas or information in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.13
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a story an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.14
Description: With prompting and support, compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.15
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear (e.g., what person, place, thing, or idea in the text an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.16
Description: With prompting and support, identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.18
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.19
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.33
Description: Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.34
Description: Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.35
Description: Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.36
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. •Print many upper- and lowercase letters. •Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs. •Form regular plural nouns orally by adding /s/ or /es/ (e.g., dog, dogs; wish, wishes). •Understand and use question words (interrogatives) (e.g., who, what, where, when, why, how). •Use the most frequently occurring prepositions (e.g., to, from, in, out, on, off, for, of, by, with). •Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.37
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. •Capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I. •Recognize and name end punctuation. •Write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds (phonemes). •Spell simple words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of sound-letter relationships.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.C:Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Standard: ELA.K.39
Description: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on kindergarten reading and content. •Identify new meanings for familiar words and apply them accurately (e.g., knowing duck is a bird and learning the verb to duck). •Introduce the most frequently occurring inflections and affixes (e.g., -ed, -s, re-, un-, pre-, -ful, -less) as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.C:Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Standard: ELA.K.40
Description: With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word meanings. •Sort common objects into categories (e.g., shapes, foods) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent. •Demonstrate understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives by relating them to their opposites (antonyms). •Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., note places at school that are colorful). •Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs describing the same general action (e.g., walk, march, strut, prance) by acting out the meanings.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: Science
Strand: S.K:West Virginia Science - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: S.K.GS:General Science
Standard: S.K.GS.3
Description: use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.1
Description: Develop an understanding of citizenship and patriotism through a variety of experiences (e.g., appropriate behavior, sharing, taking turns, volunteering, being honest and demonstrating responsibility for materials and personal belongings).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.2
Description: Participate in role play to resolve disputes, and demonstrate tolerance and acceptance of others and their ideas.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.3
Description: Investigate the need for rules in their environment, create a set of classroom rules, and explore the consequences for not following the rules.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.4
Description: Investigate the leadership roles within their families, classrooms and schools and demonstrate their understanding through activities such as role play and classroom jobs.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: G.SS.K:Geography
Standard: SS.K.13
Description: Investigate the need for symbols in daily life (e.g., exit, stop sign, bathroom signs, school zone, stop light, etc.).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: H.SS.K:History
Standard: SS.K.14
Description: Illustrate personal history (e.g., first and last name, birthday, age, guardian's name, and other personal data).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Student Objectives
Lesson 56
Identify a picture of a sheep
Describe what wool feels like
Name things that a shepherd does to care for his sheep
Compare the way a shepherd cares for his sheep to the way Jesus cares for His people
Identify upper and lowercase Ll
Use letter-sound association for l
Read words with initial l
Read the high-frequency words are and this
Write the letter l
Lesson 57
Describe textures using words such as rough, smooth, soft, and hard
State that learning to communicate by writing allows us to share God's truth
Draw a picture of an item and dictate or write a word to describe how it feels
Identify upper and lowercase Ll
Use letter-sound association for l
Read words with the phonograms _ell and _ill
Write the letter L
Lesson 58
List similarities and differences between a donkey and a sheep
State that God made all things for His glory
Explain how God kept His promise when He used a donkey on Palm Sunday
Identify uppercase and lowercase Mm
Use letter-sound association for m
Read words with the phonograms _am and _im
Read words with initial m
Read compound words
Write the letter m
Lesson 59
Describe a lion's appearance, habitat, and actions
List some times lions appear in the Bible
Compare and contrast lions and house cats
Assemble a lion mask using a variety of materials
Identify uppercase and lowercase Mm
Use letter-sound association for m
Read words with the phonograms _om and _um
Write the letter M
Lesson 60
Read an informational text
Contrast an informational text with a narrative
Use questioning to interpret pictures and text in an informational text
Locate facts in an informational text
Lesson 56: Sheep
Lesson 57: Soft Wool
Lesson 58: Donkeys
Lesson 59: Lions
Lesson 60: Naps
Learning Center -Animal Sort
Snack of the Week - Sheep Cupcakes
Show and Tell - Encourage the students to bring a toy animal or a picture of an animal that lived during Bible times
Heritage Studies
Animals in the Bible
Language Arts
Phonics and English Skills
Letter Recognition
Sing the Sounds
Read Word Families
High Frequency Words
Phonics Practice: "A Lap"
Phonics Fun: Hop to the Top
Phonics Fun: Mystery Picture
Phonics Practice: In the Mud
Phonics Fun: Donkey Sounds
Phonics Fun: Roaring Compound Words
God Made the Animals Booklet
Word Family Review
Compound Words
Sheep Shearing
Sing a Song
God Made the Animals verse 1
God Made the Animals verse 2
God Made the Animals verse 3
Arts and Crafts
Lamb's Head
Uncle Short
Touch My Hand
Donkey Stick Puppet
Lion Paper Plate Craft
Write Now!
Write Now pp. 59-63
Motor Skills
Who Has My Sheep?
Donkeys Sing
Animal Sounds
Biblical Integration Concepts
God is great, and God is good
God created me and all things
The Bible is God's Word, and it is true
I learn in order to serve God and others
Biblical Integration Strategies
Discuss different animals in the Bible
The Lamb and the Shepherd
Read the account of David killing a lion and a bear to protect his sheep (1 Samuel 17:34-36)
Summarize the story of Balaam, when God caused a donkey to talk (Numbers 22:28-33)
Set up classroom stations, and allow students time to participate in various learning centers
Set up a literacy center with suggested book list found in teacher guide; rotate books depending upon the theme of the week
Utilize songs to reinforce the learning theme and to help students internalize letter and word sounds
Sign songs daily and together
Utilize the stick puppets
Have students practice daily with Word Family Cards and High-Frequency Word Cards
Focus on posture and process of handwriting
Make a special effort to celebrate the various special days of the year
Utilize charts and graphs especially when asking students to compare and contrast
Arrange field trips specific to the theme of the week
Unit 3: Ants to Elephants / Week 13: Insects
(updated 12/31/23)
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.A:Fluency
Standard: ELA.K.I
Description: Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.B:Phonics and Word Recognition
Standard: ELA.K.II
Description: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. •Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary or many of the most frequent sound for each consonant. •Associate the long and short sounds with common spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels. •Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does). •Distinguish between similarly spelled words by identifying the sounds of the letters that differ.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.C:Handwriting
Standard: ELA.K.III
Description: Print upper- and lowercase letters
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.E:Print concepts
Standard: ELA.K.V
Description: Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. •Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page. •Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters. •Understand that words are separated by spaces in print. •Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.1
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.2
Description: With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.3
Description: With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.4
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.5
Description: With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.7
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.8
Description: With prompting and support, recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.9
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a story and define the role of each in telling the story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.10
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.11
Description: With prompting and support, identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.13
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a story an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.14
Description: With prompting and support, compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.15
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear (e.g., what person, place, thing, or idea in the text an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.16
Description: With prompting and support, identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.18
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.19
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.31
Description: Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.32
Description: Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.33
Description: Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.34
Description: Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.35
Description: Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.36
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. •Print many upper- and lowercase letters. •Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs. •Form regular plural nouns orally by adding /s/ or /es/ (e.g., dog, dogs; wish, wishes). •Understand and use question words (interrogatives) (e.g., who, what, where, when, why, how). •Use the most frequently occurring prepositions (e.g., to, from, in, out, on, off, for, of, by, with). •Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.37
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. •Capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I. •Recognize and name end punctuation. •Write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds (phonemes). •Spell simple words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of sound-letter relationships.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.1
Description: Develop an understanding of citizenship and patriotism through a variety of experiences (e.g., appropriate behavior, sharing, taking turns, volunteering, being honest and demonstrating responsibility for materials and personal belongings).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.2
Description: Participate in role play to resolve disputes, and demonstrate tolerance and acceptance of others and their ideas.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.3
Description: Investigate the need for rules in their environment, create a set of classroom rules, and explore the consequences for not following the rules.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.4
Description: Investigate the leadership roles within their families, classrooms and schools and demonstrate their understanding through activities such as role play and classroom jobs.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Student Objectives
Lesson 61
Describe an ant
Compare the way ants work to the way people should work
Identify uppercase and lowercase Ff
Use letter-sound association for f
Read a word with the phonogram _if
Read words with initial f
Read the high-frequency words for and her
Write the letter f
Lesson 62
Describe an ant colony
Describe some ants' jobs
Role-play to show a community working together
Dictate sentences for a shared writing experience
Identify uppercase and lowercase Ff
Use letter-sound association for f
Read words with the phonograms _off and _uff
Write the letter F
Lesson 63
List the characteristics of a ladybug
Distinguish fantasy from realistic fiction
Identify a period at the end of a sentence
Identify uppercase and lowercase Vv
Use letter-sound association for v
Read words with initial v
Write the letters Vv
Lesson 64
Sequence the life cycle of the butterfly
Dictate a word or phrase to complete a creative-writing activity
Recognize the five vowels
Read words with short vowel sounds
Use correct slant when writing a letter
Write a compound word
Lesson 65
Draw conclusions from picture interpretation and text
Read orally to communicate the author's message
Use proper inflection when reading sentences with periods or exclamation points
Lesson 61: Ants
Lesson 62: Working Together
Lesson 63: Ladybugs
Lesson 64: Insect Life
Lesson 65: Bell
Learning Center - Going on a Picnic
Snack of the Week - Ants
Show and Tell - Encourage the students to bring real or toy insects
The Strong Ant
The Butterfly
Hopping Bugs
Observe an Insect
Language Arts
Phonics and English Skills
Letter Recognition
Sing the Sounds
High-Frequency Words
Phonics Practice - Fin
Phonics Fun: Marching Home
Phonics Fun: Mystery Words
Phonics Practice - The Vet
Phonics Fun: Ladybug
Phonics Fun: Beuatiful Butterfly
God Made the Animals Booklet
Sentence Roundup
Recognizing Phonograms
Guided Reading
Possessive s
Motor Skills
Marching Ants
Growing Up
Arts and Crafts
Ant Picnic
Ladybug Puppet
Make an Insect
Write Now!
Write Now! pages 65-69
Sing a Song
Ant Homes
I'm Glad That He Made You
God Made the Animals
Biblical Integration Concepts
God is great, and God is good
God created me and all things
The Bible is God's Word; and it is true
I learn in order to serve God and others
Biblical Integration Strategies
Read aloud Proverbs 6:6 and Proverbs 30:25; explain that God gives us the example of ants to show us that we need to work and not be lazy
Share the account of the plagues (Exodus 7-11) emphasizing the part that insects played in the plagues
Daily review of vocabulary, phonics, grammar
Unit 3: Ants to Elephants / Week 14: Wild Animals
(updated 12/5/23)
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.A:Fluency
Standard: ELA.K.I
Description: Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.B:Phonics and Word Recognition
Standard: ELA.K.II
Description: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. •Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary or many of the most frequent sound for each consonant. •Associate the long and short sounds with common spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels. •Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does). •Distinguish between similarly spelled words by identifying the sounds of the letters that differ.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.C:Handwriting
Standard: ELA.K.III
Description: Print upper- and lowercase letters
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Description: Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). •Recognize and produce rhyming words. •Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words. •Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words. •Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in three-phoneme (consonant-vowel-consonant, or CVC) words. (This does not include CVCs ending with /l/, /r/, or /x/.) •Add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in simple, one-syllable words to make new words.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.E:Print concepts
Standard: ELA.K.V
Description: Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. •Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page. •Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters. •Understand that words are separated by spaces in print. •Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.1
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.2
Description: With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.3
Description: With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.4
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.5
Description: With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.6
Description: With prompting and support, describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.7
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.8
Description: With prompting and support, recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.9
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a story and define the role of each in telling the story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.10
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.11
Description: With prompting and support, identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.12
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a text and define the role of each in presenting the ideas or information in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.13
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a story an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.14
Description: With prompting and support, compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.18
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.19
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.30
Description: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. •Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns speaking about the topics and texts under discussion). •Continue a conversation through multiple exchanges.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.31
Description: Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.32
Description: Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.33
Description: Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.34
Description: Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.35
Description: Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.36
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. •Print many upper- and lowercase letters. •Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs. •Form regular plural nouns orally by adding /s/ or /es/ (e.g., dog, dogs; wish, wishes). •Understand and use question words (interrogatives) (e.g., who, what, where, when, why, how). •Use the most frequently occurring prepositions (e.g., to, from, in, out, on, off, for, of, by, with). •Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.37
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. •Capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I. •Recognize and name end punctuation. •Write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds (phonemes). •Spell simple words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of sound-letter relationships.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.C:Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Standard: ELA.K.40
Description: With guidance and support from adults, explore word relationships and nuances in word meanings. •Sort common objects into categories (e.g., shapes, foods) to gain a sense of the concepts the categories represent. •Demonstrate understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives by relating them to their opposites (antonyms). •Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., note places at school that are colorful). •Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs describing the same general action (e.g., walk, march, strut, prance) by acting out the meanings.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.C:Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Standard: ELA.K.41
Description: Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.1
Description: Develop an understanding of citizenship and patriotism through a variety of experiences (e.g., appropriate behavior, sharing, taking turns, volunteering, being honest and demonstrating responsibility for materials and personal belongings).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.2
Description: Participate in role play to resolve disputes, and demonstrate tolerance and acceptance of others and their ideas.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.3
Description: Investigate the need for rules in their environment, create a set of classroom rules, and explore the consequences for not following the rules.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.4
Description: Investigate the leadership roles within their families, classrooms and schools and demonstrate their understanding through activities such as role play and classroom jobs.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: G.SS.K:Geography
Standard: SS.K.13
Description: Investigate the need for symbols in daily life (e.g., exit, stop sign, bathroom signs, school zone, stop light, etc.).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: H.SS.K:History
Standard: SS.K.14
Description: Illustrate personal history (e.g., first and last name, birthday, age, guardian's name, and other personal data).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: H.SS.K:History
Standard: SS.K.16
Description: Investigate the past and explore the differences in other people, times and cultures through stories of people, heroes, pictures, songs, holidays, customs, traditions or legends.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Student Objectives
Lesson 66
Describe characteristics of a zoo
Contrast wild animals and pets
Locate places on a zoo map
Identify uppercase and lowercase Rr
Use letter-sound association for r
Read words with initial r
Read the high-frequency words of and put
Write the letter r
Lesson 67
Create an impression of an animal paw prints
Match pictures of animal feet and paws to their tracks
Complete a creative-writing activity
Identify uppercase and lowercase Rr
Use letter-sound association for r
Read words with initial r
Write the letter R
Lesson 68
State the characteristics of an elephant
Use fine motor skills to complete a craft
Describe the purpose of an elephant's trunk
Participate in a memory game
Identify the elephant's habitat
Identify uppercase and lowercase Jj
Use letter-sound association for j
Read words with initial j
Write the letter j
Lesson 69
Describe how camouflage helps protect animals
Dictate a sentence that describes a picture
State that God gave animals abilities to defend themselves
Choose the best color for several animals to use as camouflage
Identify uppercase and lowercase Jj
Use letter-sound association for j
Read words with initial j
Write the letter J
Lesson 70
Gain factual information from photos
Gain facts from informational text
Draw conclusions from informational text
Lesson 66: The Zoo
Lesson 67: Animal Tracks
Lesson 68: Elephant Country
Lesson 69: Animals Hide
Lesson 70: The Jet
Learning Center - Wild Animal Sort
Snack of the Week - Animal Crackers
Show and Tell - Encourage each student to bring a picture of himself along with a piece of cloth that can provide a camouflage background for the picture
Heritage Studies
Wild Animals
Language Arts
Phonics and English skills
Letter Recognition
Sing the Sounds
Review Word Families
High Frequency Words
Phonics Fun: Alphabet Rooster
Phonics Practice: Tag
Phonics Fun: Name That Letter
Phonics Practice: Sun Fun
Phonics Fun: Word Family Scramble
Phonics Fun: Hidden Families
Exclamation Point
Question Mark
Sentence Roundup
God Made the Animals Booklet
Guided Reading
Arts and Crafts
Fingerprint Animals
Find the Animal
Class Zoo
Motor Skills
Walk Like the Animals
Low or High
What Elephants Do
Hide and Seek
Feed the Elephant
Write Now!
Write Now! pp. 69-73
Sing a Song
The Zoo
Make Tracks
Elephants Remember
Animals Blend In
Field Trip - Zoo
Biblical Integration Concepts
God is great, and God is good
God created me and all things
The Bible is God's Word, and it is true
I learn in order to serve God and others
Biblical Integration Strategies
Tell the students the story of Noah (Genesis 7-8)
Integrate Christian worldview into daily lesson planning
Use colorful pictures to reinforce each letter and sound
Use games and motor activities to involve the students as they practice and review sounds and words
Utilize Unit 7 activities that are relevant
Read to students daily
Assign and discuss using the comprehension questions after the Listening Story
Use phonics stories to provide practice for new skills and foster comprehension
Make sure to provide phonics instruction in a logical, colorful format
Have students practice word families both oral and written
Use composition activites to promote the reading/writing connection
Unit 3: Ants to Elephants / Week 15: By the Pond
(updated 12/5/23)
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.A:Fluency
Standard: ELA.K.I
Description: Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.C:Handwriting
Standard: ELA.K.III
Description: Print upper- and lowercase letters
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Description: Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). •Recognize and produce rhyming words. •Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words. •Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words. •Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in three-phoneme (consonant-vowel-consonant, or CVC) words. (This does not include CVCs ending with /l/, /r/, or /x/.) •Add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in simple, one-syllable words to make new words.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.E:Print concepts
Standard: ELA.K.V
Description: Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. •Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page. •Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters. •Understand that words are separated by spaces in print. •Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.1
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.2
Description: With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.3
Description: With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.4
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.5
Description: With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.7
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.8
Description: With prompting and support, recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.9
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a story and define the role of each in telling the story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.10
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.11
Description: With prompting and support, identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.12
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a text and define the role of each in presenting the ideas or information in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.13
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a story an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.14
Description: With prompting and support, compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.15
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear (e.g., what person, place, thing, or idea in the text an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.16
Description: With prompting and support, identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.18
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.19
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.30
Description: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. •Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns speaking about the topics and texts under discussion). •Continue a conversation through multiple exchanges.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.31
Description: Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.32
Description: Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.33
Description: Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.34
Description: Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.35
Description: Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.36
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. •Print many upper- and lowercase letters. •Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs. •Form regular plural nouns orally by adding /s/ or /es/ (e.g., dog, dogs; wish, wishes). •Understand and use question words (interrogatives) (e.g., who, what, where, when, why, how). •Use the most frequently occurring prepositions (e.g., to, from, in, out, on, off, for, of, by, with). •Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.37
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. •Capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I. •Recognize and name end punctuation. •Write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds (phonemes). •Spell simple words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of sound-letter relationships.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.1
Description: Develop an understanding of citizenship and patriotism through a variety of experiences (e.g., appropriate behavior, sharing, taking turns, volunteering, being honest and demonstrating responsibility for materials and personal belongings).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.2
Description: Participate in role play to resolve disputes, and demonstrate tolerance and acceptance of others and their ideas.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.3
Description: Investigate the need for rules in their environment, create a set of classroom rules, and explore the consequences for not following the rules.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.4
Description: Investigate the leadership roles within their families, classrooms and schools and demonstrate their understanding through activities such as role play and classroom jobs.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Student Objectives
Lesson 71
List characteristics of a frog
State the habitat of a frog
Compare a fictional frog to a real frog
Identify uppercase and lowercase Xx
Use letter-sound association for x
Read words with the phonograms _ax, _ix and _ox
Read the high-frequency words said and you
Write the letters Xx
Lesson 72
Imitate the sounds that frogs make
Sequence the life cycle of a frog
Draw a labeled picture of a new kind of frog
Identify uppercase and lowercase Zz
Use letter-sound association for Z
Read words with the phonograms _iz and _uzz
Write the letters Zz
Lesson 73
List the characteristics of a turtle
Describe how to care for a pet
Identify uppercase and lowercase Yy
Use letter-sound association for y
Read words with initial y
Write the letter y
Lesson 74
Compare and contrast ways animals protect themselves
Draw a new animal with special protection and explain how the animal will protect itself
Identify uppercase and lowercase Yy
Use letter-sound association for y
Read words with initial y
Write the letter Y
Lesson 75
Read orally with expression
Use illustrations to describe story setting
Make predictions
Evaluate whether the prediction was correct
Evaluate whether the main character's response is obedient
Lesson 71: Frog Pond
Lesson 72: Frogs
Lesson 73: Turtles
Lesson 74: Animals Protect Themselves
Lesson 75: The Big Mess
Learning Center - Lily Pad Hop
Snack of the Week - Chocolate Turtles
Show and Tell -Encourage each student to bring a toy animal that could live by a pond
Life Cycle of the Frog
Tadpoles to Frogs
Animals Protect Themselves
Student Terrarium
Language Arts
Phonics and English skills
Letter Recognition
Sing the Sounds
Read Word Families
High-Frequency Words
Phonics Practice: Fix the Mix
Phonics Fun: Make an X
Phonics Fun: Lily Pad Fun
Phonics Practice: Zack's Pet
Phonics Fun: Tortoise Talk
Phonics Fun: Animal Protection
Guided Reading
Sentence Roundup
God Made the Animals Book
Write Now!
Write Now! pp. 74-78
Language Arts
God Made the Animals Booklet - Frogs
Sentence Roundup
Arts and Crafts
Lily Pads
Frog Puppet
Sing a Song
Five Little Speckled Frogs
Over in the Meadow
God Made the Animals
Motor Skills
Leap Frog
Leap Like a Frog
Turtle Race
Walk Like an Animal
Biblical Integration Concepts
God is great, and God is good
God created me and all things
The Bible is God's Word, and it is true
I learn in order to serve God and others
Biblical Integration Strategies
Go through Colossians 1:8 that discusses how believers need to be filled with the knowledge of God's will and in all wisdom and understanding
Explain that God has given most wild animals natural defenses
Share the story of Paul and the poisonous snake from Acts 28:1-6; point out that God made some snakes poisonous so that they can defend themselves
Assign daily writing practice
Carefully observe students and help to develop left-to-right eye progression
Have students write new endings to familiar stories, make lists, and add labels to pictures to develop a love of writing
Emphasize the weekly topics to help students learn to focus on a topic
Posture, pencil hold, and paper slant should dominate the early handwriting lessons
Emphasize letter formation, consistent strokes, readable spacing, and neatness
Unit 3: Ants to Elephants / Week 16: Farm Animals
(updated 12/31/23)
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.A:Fluency
Standard: ELA.K.I
Description: Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.C:Handwriting
Standard: ELA.K.III
Description: Print upper- and lowercase letters
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Description: Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). •Recognize and produce rhyming words. •Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words. •Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words. •Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in three-phoneme (consonant-vowel-consonant, or CVC) words. (This does not include CVCs ending with /l/, /r/, or /x/.) •Add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in simple, one-syllable words to make new words.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.E:Print concepts
Standard: ELA.K.V
Description: Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. •Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page. •Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters. •Understand that words are separated by spaces in print. •Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.B:Phonics and Word Recognition
Standard: ELA.K.II
Description: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. •Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary or many of the most frequent sound for each consonant. •Associate the long and short sounds with common spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels. •Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does). •Distinguish between similarly spelled words by identifying the sounds of the letters that differ.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.1
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.2
Description: With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.3
Description: With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.4
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.5
Description: With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.6
Description: With prompting and support, describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.7
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.8
Description: With prompting and support, recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.9
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a story and define the role of each in telling the story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.10
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.11
Description: With prompting and support, identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.13
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a story an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.14
Description: With prompting and support, compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.15
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear (e.g., what person, place, thing, or idea in the text an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.16
Description: With prompting and support, identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.18
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.19
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.30
Description: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. •Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others and taking turns speaking about the topics and texts under discussion). •Continue a conversation through multiple exchanges.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.31
Description: Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if something is not understood.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.32
Description: Ask and answer questions in order to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.33
Description: Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.34
Description: Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.B:Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.35
Description: Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.36
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. •Print many upper- and lowercase letters. •Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs. •Form regular plural nouns orally by adding /s/ or /es/ (e.g., dog, dogs; wish, wishes). •Understand and use question words (interrogatives) (e.g., who, what, where, when, why, how). •Use the most frequently occurring prepositions (e.g., to, from, in, out, on, off, for, of, by, with). •Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.L:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Language
Performance Standard: ELA.K.L.A:Conventions of Standard English
Standard: ELA.K.37
Description: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. •Capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I. •Recognize and name end punctuation. •Write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds (phonemes). •Spell simple words phonetically, drawing on knowledge of sound-letter relationships.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.1
Description: Develop an understanding of citizenship and patriotism through a variety of experiences (e.g., appropriate behavior, sharing, taking turns, volunteering, being honest and demonstrating responsibility for materials and personal belongings).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.3
Description: Investigate the need for rules in their environment, create a set of classroom rules, and explore the consequences for not following the rules.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: C.SS.K:Civics
Standard: SS.K.4
Description: Investigate the leadership roles within their families, classrooms and schools and demonstrate their understanding through activities such as role play and classroom jobs.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Subject Area: Social Studies
Strand: SS.K:West Virginia Social Studies - Kindergarten
Performance Standard: G.SS.K:Geography
Standard: SS.K.13
Description: Investigate the need for symbols in daily life (e.g., exit, stop sign, bathroom signs, school zone, stop light, etc.).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
Student Objectives
Lesson 76
Compare cows and calves
Describe some of the jobs of a farmer
Identify uppercase and lowercase Qq
Use letter-sound association for qu
Read the high-frequency word to
Read words with initial qu
Write the letter q
Lesson 77
Compare and contrast a small family farm and a commercial farm
State products that come from a dairy farm
Participate in a butter-making activity
Contribute in a shared-writing activity about a butter-making activity
Identify uppercase and lowercase Qq
Use letter-sound association for qu
Read words with initial qu
Write the letter Q
Lesson 78
Describe how to make and use a pinata
Describe the characteristics of a pig
Sequence events in a story
Identify the five vowels
Read words with short vowels
Write short vowel words
Lesson 79
Describe the habitat of a pig
Dictate a sentence using descriptive words
Read words with short vowels
Identify lowercase letters
Identify the five vowels
Review letter-sound associations
Write a sentence
Review all High-Frequency Words
Lesson 80
Determine story settings from pictures
Read expressions on the faces of characters
Read orally with excitement
Use Ephesians 4:32 to evaluate the behavior of the characters
Lesson 76: Grandpa's Farm
Lesson 77: The Dairy Farm
Lesson 78: Rosa's Pig
Lesson 79: Muddy Pig
Lesson 80: Zack the Duck
Learning Center - Barnyard Puzzles
Snack of the Week -Purple Cows
Show and Tell -Encourage each student to bring a toy farm animal
Heritage Studies
Cows and Calves
At the Dairy
Pig Fun
Language Arts
Phonics and English Skills
Letter Recognition - vowels
Sing the Sounds
Read Word Families
Guided Reading
High-Frequency Words
Phonics Practice: Mothers
Phonics Fun: Gathering Eggs
Phonics Fun: Nibbling Cheese
Phonics Practice: Ruff
Phonics Fun: Break the Pinata
Phonics Fun: Fun in the Mud
God Made the Animals Booklet
Sentence Roundup
Compound Words
Plural Nouns
Write Now!
Write Now pp. 79-83
Motor Skills
Balance the Animal
Farm animal Tag
Animal Sounds
Find the Pig
Fill the Barn
Classifying Animals
Loud and Quiet
Pigs and Mud
Animal Guess
Arts and Crafts
Pig Pinata
Muddy Boots
God Made the Animals Booklet - Pig
A Model Farm
Sing a Song
Old MacDonald
Making Butter
Biblical Integration Concepts
God is great, and God is good
God created me and all things
The Bible is God's Word, and it is true
I learn in order to serve God and others
Biblical Integration Strategies
Tell the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-24); emphasize how he worked as he fed the pigs on a farm
Use the biblical worldview themes visual to reinforce the themes throughout the year
Group students for differentiated reading instruction
Establish routine behaviors in the reading groups as well as in the entire class
Set up purposeful and specific learning centers
Teach students the daily schedule and how to switch effortlessly between learning centers
Unit 4: Mountains High to Oceans Deep / Week 17: Mountains
(updated 12/11/23)
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.A:Fluency
Standard: ELA.K.I
Description: Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.B:Phonics and Word Recognition
Standard: ELA.K.II
Description: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. •Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary or many of the most frequent sound for each consonant. •Associate the long and short sounds with common spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels. •Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does). •Distinguish between similarly spelled words by identifying the sounds of the letters that differ.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.C:Handwriting
Standard: ELA.K.III
Description: Print upper- and lowercase letters
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Description: Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes). •Recognize and produce rhyming words. •Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words. •Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words. •Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final sounds (phonemes) in three-phoneme (consonant-vowel-consonant, or CVC) words. (This does not include CVCs ending with /l/, /r/, or /x/.) •Add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in simple, one-syllable words to make new words.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.ELF:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Early Learning Foundations
Performance Standard: ELA.K.ELF.E:Print concepts
Standard: ELA.K.V
Description: Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. •Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page. •Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters. •Understand that words are separated by spaces in print. •Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.1
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.2
Description: With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.3
Description: With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.4
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.5
Description: With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.A:Key Ideas and Details
Standard: ELA.K.6
Description: With prompting and support, describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.7
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.8
Description: With prompting and support, recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.9
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a story and define the role of each in telling the story.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.10
Description: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.11
Description: With prompting and support, identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.B:Craft and Structure
Standard: ELA.K.12
Description: With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator of a text and define the role of each in presenting the ideas or information in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.13
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in a story an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.14
Description: With prompting and support, compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.15
Description: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear (e.g., what person, place, thing, or idea in the text an illustration depicts).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.C:Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Standard: ELA.K.16
Description: With prompting and support, identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.18
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.R:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Reading
Performance Standard: ELA.K.R.D:Range of Reading and Text Complexity
Standard: ELA.K.19
Description: Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.W:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Writing
Performance Standard: ELA.K.W.A:Text Types and Purposes
Standard: ELA.K.20
Description: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is . . .).
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.W:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Writing
Performance Standard: ELA.K.W.A:Text Types and Purposes
Standard: ELA.K.22
Description: Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single event or several loosely linked events, tell about the events in the order in which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what happened.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.W:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Writing
Performance Standard: ELA.K.W.B:Production and Distribution of Writing
Standard: ELA.K.24
Description: With guidance and support from adults, respond to questions and suggestions from peers and add details to strengthen writing as needed.
Attached Courses:
K ELA (Focus on Fives)
K Language Development (inactive)
K Reading
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Strand: ELA.K.RW:English Language Arts: Kindergarten: Speaking and Listening
Performance Standard: ELA.K.RW.A:Comprehension and Collaboration
Standard: ELA.K.30
Description: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers a